new friends

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Zayn barges into my room and slams the door shut

"Listen here" he says as he drops a bag of shit onto my bed "tonight is date night. I don't care if I have to drag you by your hair, I will do it. Forget about Hanna for a while. Trying to impress Kayden is the number one priority at the moment. Let's get this shit under way"

"How did you get into my house?" I ask as I stare at Zayn who grins wide

"I walked in saw that no one was around and booked it up the stairs" he laughs

"Well then" I respond as I get up from my bed, tossing the book I was reading down.

Hanna has been calling me non stop in the past twenty four hours and I didn't answer a single one of her calls.

I knew I was being mean, but whatever.

Zayn slaps my face

"Dammit Jayce" he whines "You're always zoning out on me"

"I'm sorry?"

"Better be" he tsks as he hands me a pair of jeans. "Put those on"


"They'll make your ass pop" he responds in a duh tone.

"Fine" I huff grabbing them, turning away from him

"Aw is my little Jayce scared of people seeing him?" Zayn taunts as he casually eyes me up

"This body is only for Kayden" I snort as I pull on the black skinny jeans. He tosses a shirt at me, and I see its a red and black plaid.

"Turn around" he instructs as he twirls his finger in a circle. I do as I'm told and he walks around me

"Look presentable enough?" I snort as I turn a circle for him

"Damn" he whistles as he claps his hands together excitedly. "You'll make Kent jealous"

"Shut up you ugly" I laugh as I grab my brush, brushing out my black hair.

''Oh! I dibs styling it" Zayn grins as he grabs my brush, shoving me into a chair in front of my mirror

"I was just going to leave it like this" I mutter

"Hey! No complaining" he snaps as he grabs gel out of his bag

"What did you all bring with you?" I laugh as he uncaps the container, smacking a shit ton on his hands

"I brought eyeliner, mascara and foundation as well" he says in a high pitched voice.

"Surprised you didn't bring tampons with you" I snort as he smacks the back of my head

"I brought pads thank you very much" he sneers

"Surprised you knew what that was"

"Why are you so mean to me?" He whines as he continues going to town on my hair

"I have to bug someone" I smirk

"Go bug Kayden" he responds as he finishes up grabbing a towel and wiping the excess gel off my neck

"Later" I smirk and he groans

"Too much fucking information" he wrinkles his nose at me and stands me up

"There!" He grins "You look hot"

I look at myself in the mirror and see that Zayn suprisingly did a good job.

"Thanks" I grin as my phone chimes. Zayn pounces on it and looks at it.

"Kayden texted you" he squeals "and it's not such a clean message"

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