bitch please

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I sigh my hands over my face not knowing what to do next. I never thought that it could be true, but it was.

I walk up the walk to Kayden's house my feet soundlessly hitting the pavement. A giggle sounds from the porch and I stop dead in my tracks, ducking behind a shrub to see what's going on. Kayden stands by the door his back towards me as a pair of arms are wrapped around his neck. A cute petite brunette girl stands before him her back pressed up against the door as she looks up at him her eyelashes fluttering as she leans up to press a soft kiss to his lips. Kaydens arms tighten around her waist as he pulls her closer to him his lips pressing against his. I let out a gasp, and feel the tears starting to fall. Kayden spins around as he meets my eyes. They widen as he takes in my hunched figure.

"Jayce" he breathes as he pushes himself off of the young girl who flirtatiously looks over at me. Kayden takes a step towards me, but I stand up my feet starting into a run before I know it. I slide into the truck, dropping my keys in the process. A slew of curse words leave my mouth as I grope for them pulling them into my hands sliding them into the ignition. Kayden still hasn't moved from his spot. The girl slides her arms around his waist whispering something into his ear. Before they move to the house. The door shuts behind them and I speed off.

My phone rings yet again and I glance at the caller ID before hitting the ignore button. Kaydens been calling me non stop, but I havent picked up a single one of his calls. I couldn't. My mom calls up the stairs urging me to come downstairs. I trudge down them rubbing at my eyes, in hopes to get rid of the swelling and red in them. A figure stands at the door and I stop dead in my tracks.

"I dont want to see him" I said to my mother as she stands near him. "Make him leave"

"J" my mom soothes as she looks between me and kayden "he just wants to talk"

"I dont want to hear it!" I state "there is nothing for him to say"

"Jayce please" kayden begs "I can explain!"

"Look kayden. I dont want to hear any of your bullshit excuse. You're gonna make up some lie, and I've heard them all before. It's not going to be any different."

"J please. It was not what it looks like"

"Tell that to the fucking pimp you had locked in an intense lip lock"

My mom gasps as she looks at kayden

"You didnt cheat on my boy did you?" I look at my mom as her face redden "what the fuck did you do kayden"

A small smile breaks past my lips. My mother has always been there for me. When my last ex broke up with me cause he needed time and space, but in reality he had been cheating on me for almost 4 months before ending it with me. My mom tore him a new asshole. I have never seen a six foot some guy look so terrified over a small 5'5 women.

"It wasnt supposed to happen" kayden tries to say as he takes a small step back away from my mother.

"So you fuck the women while in a relationship with my son. And you say it wasnt supposed to happen?"

"She was a past fling." Kayden tries to explain "I di--"

"Stop right there" my mom says as she holds up a hand "you young man. Are digging yourself a hole that you aren't getting out of."

Kayden gulps as he stops as he glances at me before he ducks his head. My mom opens the door as a guest of cold air comes in hitting my warm face.

"You. Out" she says as she gestures for kayden to leave. "I dont wanna hear another word"

I watch as kayden turns around his head hanging low as he walks to the door. He looks back at me once more as I flip him off. As soon as the door shuts, I break down.

It has been two weeks since I've ended it with kayden, and ive been depressed as fuck. Zayn has been with me the entire time helping me through the pain,  and making sure I didnt do anything I was going to regret. Hanna found out about the break up and came crawling back to me because she claims "I know what you're going through" because her and Drew broke up as well. But I'm a stubborn son of a bitch, and I dont forgive easily.

"Are you thinking of kayden again?" Zayn asks as he sits down beside me sliding me a iced coffee. I nod as I look at him

"I cant seem to get him off my mind" I say as I wipe at my eyes. "Why cant I do it?"

"Because you loved him" zayn responds "its obvious that you had feelings for the guy, and he broke your heart."

"Its been weeks and hes still on my mind" I  mutter "what can I do to forget him?"

"For starters. It's going to take longer than two weeks for you to forget him. It might take months. He was with you for almost a year"

I sigh as I put my head down on the table, tears brimming my eyes. Zayn scoots his chair closer to me his arm resting on my lower back.

"J" he says as he ushers for me to look at him. I bring my eyes up to meet his and in response am met with a pair of lips. I freeze slightly before I kiss him back. Zayn. One of my best friends, is kissing me. I should stop it, but I dont.

He pulls away from the kiss as he looks at me.

"You deserve to be with someone who treats you properly. Someone who will be there for you. Someone who wont hurt you in any way" zayn says as he rests his forehead against mine "J. I've liked you for quite some time now. But I dont want to rush anything with you. Do you think you would think about us? About us becoming a thing"

I bite my lip as I feel his breath nervously hit my cheek. He was nervous I was going to reject him. I press a soft kiss to his lips before smiling at him.

"Of course I'll think about it"

Soooooooo that's how my shitty story came to an end.... I'm sorry. Lmao

This is all that I had written.  So I hope you enjoyed it.

I am willing to make an epilogue if anyone wants. But I'd need enough motivation from you people for me to actually do it.

So again this is the end (for now) and I hope you guys liked my story. I am still cringing at some parts of the story... due to the lack of description and mainly dialogue. But meh I wrote this 3 years ago lol

So bye for now and I may have another book up soon

xx nugget

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