Sideline Star

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I shove Oliver to the side as I limp past the parking lot.

"Where you going?" He asks as he rushes to catch up to me "bleachers are over there"

"Yeah well my team is over here" I respond as I open the locker room.

"Hey look! It's gazelle" Indie yells as everyone stops to look at me

"Jayceee" more than half the team yells as they get up pulling me into a hug.

"Who's this?" Jason asks as he eyes Oliver

"Oh this is Oliver. He's one of my best mates"

"What are you now, English?" Xavier laughs

"I lived there for ten years"

"No you didnt!" Indie protests

"Did too" Oliver snorts as the coach walks into the locker room

"What's taking you so long?" Coach Kyle yells "we start the game in fi--"

"Gazelle" he grins as he pulls me into a hug "How've you been? When's the leg going to be better?"

"Hey coach" I laugh as he releases me from the hug "doctors said in about two weeks"

"Still in time for finals" he hums "Who's this?"

"That's Oliver" I smile as Oliver shakes the coach hand "He's a soccer player back in Europe"

"Are you now?" Coach Kyle asks. Oliver nods

"Yes sir" he replies.

"Pretty impressive if I do say so myself" Coach says as he hears the buzzer go off

"Let's go team" Jason yells as they rush out onto the field.

"Come let's go sit" Kyle says as he leads me and Oliver towards the benches "I'm sure we have a lot to talk about"

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The night was young as the team walks into the bar. We were a loud crowd. And gained the attention of quite a few people. Mostly girls. Ew

Indie and Jason flirtously walk by two brunettes and I roll my eyes at them

"You guys are going to scare them" Xavier laughs as he grabs some dollar bills to order a round for the whole team.

Xavier was loaded with cash. And from time to time he would spoil the team. His parents were obsessed with us, so they always made sure we had the best uniforms and shit like that.

In other words, they were our sponsors, which most of us were cool with.

The two brunettes that were at the entrance strut into the bar and eye Indie who sits with his back towards them

"They're eyeing you up" Grayson smirks as he watches the taller one of the two walk up towards us.

"Hello boys" she smiles as she twirls a piece of her hair around her finger. She lays her hand on my shoulder as she whispers into my ear "want to head somewhere handsome?"

I gag slightly as I shake her off. Jason and Indie stare at me with a smirk on their faces. The rest of the team was watching to see my response

"Sweetie who do you think I am?" I snort as her eyes widen.

She looks at her sidekick and the shorter one shrugs

"Either you're taken or you're gay" she responds as her face drops

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