Feeling Neglected

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1:23 am
Hey Hanna! Call me back. I really need to talk.

1:37 am
Hanna? Why won't you answer me?

1:45 am
You're always answering me asap. What's happening?

1:57 am
Drew is with you, right? Can you not answer your best friend?

2:03 am
Guess I'll text someone that cares. Ttyl

I've sent Hanna over five messages and she still hasn't answered me. I don't know why, but I need someone to talk to.

No one else comes to mind. Kayden is in the room across from me, sleeping. He kissed me goodnight, hit the pillow and was out.

I didn't want to talk to Drew because he isn't really my thing. He annoys me more than anything. I thought he'd be cool, but boy was I wrong.

He was a literal plain ass.

My parents were asleep, and I knew they needed sleep. They worked long hours when we were at school. My mom was a nurse and my dad a doctor. They even were fortunate enough to work at the same hospital.


He might be up.

Hey Zayn! It's Jayce, from the bar. Can we talk?

I knew it was a long shot, considering it was early Thursday morning. And who knows if he's even up. All I learned at the bar was that he worked as an accountant thing.

My phone chimes and I grab it

Heyyyy long time no talk! ;) miss me already? Sure? What's up?

Yeah dude, just can't get you out of my mind ;) jokes it's about this guy.

Omgggg. I'm calling you!!

As soon as that message came through I see a number flash across the screen.

"Hey Zayn" I chuckle as I hear movement and noise in the background

"Hey mate!" He says, a grin evident in his voice, "You alright?"

"I guess?" I say "I'm not interuppting anything?"

"Nah mate. Still at the bar. What's up?"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kayden kisses me quickly as I get out of his truck.

"Don't forget if you need a ride or place I'm always available"

"Thank you so much" I smile as I shut the door waving at him. He smiles and I walk the last block to school.

Hanna still hasn't answered any of my texts. Zayn told me that he's picking me up for lunch, so I better be hungry.

I walk into first period and hear giggling in the back. I look up and see Hanna and Drew laughing and being all cuddly in the back corner.

I sigh as I watch them and slide into the desk at the front of the class. Hanna catches my eye and continues talking to Drew.

The teacher walks in and I run my finger over my bruise. It hurt more than anything. It hurt more than Hanna just ignored me.

"Class, welcome Mr. Moran. He is going to my teachers aid for the rest of the year."

Neglected // BXBWhere stories live. Discover now