Marco . Polo

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The next morning I awake to Kayden kissing me

"Wake up dammit" he whines as he continues to kiss along my neck "Your mom called like an hour ago"

"What she want?" I ask as I turn onto my back, pulling him on top of me

"She was wondering if we were hanging out today. Because she said Oliver is still with your team"

"What you say?" I ask as I run my hands up over his shoulders.

"I told her that you were going to get your sisters and take them to the beach" he smirks as he presses his lips back to my neck

"Why?" I whine as I tilt my neck allowing more access to his lips.

"They've been begging to hang out with you" he shrugs as he pulls off my shirt.

"Ugh fine" I groan as I sit up slightly so be can remove my shirt easier.

"I'll come with you" he laughs as he kisses my lips once

"You don't have too" I protest

"I'll want too. And Kaylee wants to hang out with you." He responds

"Is she bringing her boyfriend?" I ask as I remove his shirt flipping us, kissing down along his stomach

"Yeah she said he wants to get to know you" he groans as he watches me. I kiss over his abs, before dipping my hand into his sweat pants.  "Oh shit"

I look up at him, as I flick my wrist over his length. He inhales sharply as I continue to stroke him, before he flips me

"Enough" he grunts as he kisses me "are you sure you want this?"

"Dammit Kayden" I whine as he kisses down my stomach "Just fuck me"

"Geez okay" he chuckles, totally ruining the mode

"Way to ruin it" I snort as I flip him again, I slide my hands down his stomach, and pull his sweats down, along with his boxers.

I lean down and kiss the tip, before taking him completely into my mouth.

"Holy shit" Kayden hisses through clenched teeth as I deep throat his dick. He drops his head to the pillow as I continue to bob my head, looking up at him.

He lifts his head and makes eye contact with me and I lick around his length a smirk on my face

"Fuck you're good at this" Kayden groans as I feel him twitch in my mouth.

Before long he grips my hair as he meets my eyes

"I'm gonna fucking cum" he moans as I swirl my tongue around his shaft. He drops his head back on the pillow as he releases down my throat

"Holy fuck" he groans as his fingers tangle into my hair "Your turn"

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Kaylee decided we go to the beach farthest away from people we knew, so the kids wouldn't know about me and Kayden.

We convinced Oliver, Indie, Jason and Grayson to come with us. And my mom said she and my dad will be at my aunts place till late. So if they're not home once we get home, we need to put the kids to bed.

The drive was almost two hours away. Kaylee said that her boyfriends brother was a lifeguard there and he hasn't seen him since last year.

So here we are, at a beach two hours away, with six kids that complain almost every two minutes. So Kaylee shut them up with a handful of books and some paper and pencil crayons.

Kaylee said that no one was allowed to bring a phone, except me. In case of emergencies.  The twins and Hailee were beyond pissed, but we told them if the phones come with, they stay home.

When Kayden said he was gonna fuck me. He wasn't fucking kidding. Holy fuck.  I could barely walk out of his house with a straight walk. I tried not to show anyone I was sore. Good thing my foot was still a little swollen.

It's been dead silence for the past hour and a half. We get to the beach and I grab our things as we make our way to the water.

I was able to get my cast off two days ago and Kayden was probably the one who was the most happiest 

"So how about we go play some marco polo" Kaylee asks once we're all in our bathing suits and wading into the freezing cold water.

I wade in till I'm knee deep and feel myself being lifted up onto someone's shoulders

"Kayden I hate you" I whine as I look down at the water. He knew I was terrified of water. He looks up at me a smirk covering his face.

"Don't even" I warn him as he looks down at the water and then back up at me

"I'm not that mean" he protests as I grip his shoulders,  hanging on for dear life.

"Kayden" I warn him as he grabs my legs. He drops me off his shoulders and I grab onto his arm taking him down with me.

Hell to the no, am I going down alone. I look around for Kayden, and see he is right in front of me. His eyes are closed, so I take the opportunity and pull him closer to me, as I kiss him.

A smirk forms on his face as he tangles his hands into my wet hair, kissing me deeply. Soon enough we need air and we come up for air as I gasp wiping at my eyes.

"You're so mean" I whine as I see no one is around us.

"You love me though" he smirks as he pouts.

"Not at the moment" I snort as he pulls me into a hug.

He kisses me softly as I wrap my arms around his neck, his slide around my waist pulling me closer.

"Get a room dammit" we hear Oliver as he shoves us into the water. "We're playing Marco Polo"

"Who's the it person?" I ask as I look up at Oliver who points at Jason

"Well I'm out of here" I laugh

"You have a limit where you can venture to make it fair" Oliver yells at me as Jason comes up behind him and tackles him into the water. Oliver comes up coughing as he flips Jason off "Fuck all of you"

Jason laughs as he swims away from Oliver.

"Jayyyy" Oliver whines "Come over here"

"You're supposed to yell 'Marco'" I laugh as I swim away. I may be scared of water, but my mom made me take swimming lessons in case anything ever happens.

So I know how to swim very well, but I would rather stay out of the water, unless I absolutely had to get in. And in this case I had no choice but to get in the water.

"Marco" Oliver yells

"Polo" I yell as I dive under the water

I swim over towards my younger sister and haul her up onto my shoulders.

"Hey there flower" I laugh as she squeals clapping her hands

"Hi Jayyy" she squeals looking down at me with a big grin on her face. I laugh as I wade out of the water, with the rest of the clan behind me.

"You guys want ice cream?" Kayden asks once we're all dried off and sitting on the beach towels "my treat?"

A/N: I'm cringingggggggg
I wrote this almost 3 years ago ... I'm literally just publishing what I wrote  .... I'm editing it and throwing some proper grammar in here .... but idk why I'm still continuing to publish this Haha this story suckssssss so bad man like holy fuckkkkkk

But I know some readers actually enjoy this story (idk how tbh) so for you readers I continue to publish a crappy story written by my 16 year old self xD

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