flowers and cards

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A beeping sound is the first thing I wake up too. I don't hear much else. Soon a voice startles the fuck out of me.

"Is he okay?"

"When is he going to wake up?"

"That fucking cunt is gonna get it"

What the hell is Jason doing here?

I open one eye cautiously and see big brown eyes staring down at me

"Look who finally wakes up from his fucking beauty sleep. Thanks for vomiting on my new shoes"

"Jason" my mother scolds as she rushes to my bedside "How are you sweetie? Does anything hurt?"

I shake my head as I take in the room I'm lying in.

IV's are attached to my body and there is a bandage around my head. I have my arm in a sling, and my leg is wrapped.  The room is white and plain and flowers and cards litter the entire table that sits beside me

My mom and literally the rest of the family sit in waiting chairs around the bed watching me.

Bree is the only one that is not here, but that's kind of obvious considering she's over seas.

Izzy stands over in the corner, holding her baby bump. It looked like she was going to burst any second now. But she wasn't due for anther month or so.

Jason and Indie stand in the corner watching me.

"How long have I been out?" I ask my mom who stands protectively over me.

"Two days" my mom says "Hanna was starting to get worried about you."

"Where is she?" I ask as the door creaks open and a red haired head pokes her head in

"Is he awake?"

"Come in Hanna" my mom gestures for her. Hanna sees me staring at her and she rushes forwards, pulling me into a hug as she cries.

"Holy shit. I've never seen you go down that hard" she cries "I was so fucking scared"

"Hey. I'm okay now" I soothe her as I rub her back

"No you're not. You can't play soccer for the next month and some" she states as I stare at her looking over at my mom and then Jason and Indie who all nod slowly

"What?" I ask

"The doctors said that you tore a ligament in your leg and that part heals in a month or so" Jason says slowly as he meets my eyes

"Fuck this" I groan as I sit up in the bed, tugging at the IV's

"Jayce" my mom yells as she tackles me to the bed "stop that right now"

Since I'm stronger and taller than my mom I can easily get out of her grip.  I ignore her as I continue ripping at the IV's and stand up. 

Three nurses rush into the room one of them holding a long ass scary needle. The two stronger males hold my arms as the younger petite nurse shoves the needle into my arm

"You need to relax sir" she says

"How am I supposed to fucking relax with those things on me?" I ask, gesturing towards the IV's.

"They're going to help you get better" she groans "You're going to feel weird cause I just drugged you"


"We need to calm you down." She shrugs as I feel my eyes becoming heavy

"Fuck all of you" I whine before the world yet again goes black

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