Hungover and Soccer

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The whistle blows as I rush out onto the field

"Cutting it close, Morgans?" Coach Kyle asks as he taps his foot impatiently as the rest of the team snickers at me

"I had to be held back for last period" I shrug "teacher thinks I need to get my fucking grades up"

"What suck his dick?" Jason one of my teammates asks

''Jealous you can't get any?" I snort as the team laughs

"Enough dick talk" Kyle snorts "we have a game tomorrow night and we need you on your best behavior"

"Yes coach" we all yell

"Great! Morgans and Porter you are team captains" he says "grab some pinnies and let's get this shit under way"

I watch as Jason thinks he's cool and tries to dodge my team mates.

Bitch please.

I wait patiently as I watch Jason. He eyes me

"You're going down Morgans" he snarls. I chuckle and easily grab the ball from him, sliding it over to my other foot

"Only thing I'm going down on is a dick" I sneer as I easily pass the ball off to one of my team members.

Kale takes the ball and takes off running causing Jason to wrinkle his nose at me

"What the hell?" He asks staring at me.

"Dude" Coach Kyle groans "to much fucking information"

"Oops" I shrug as I run off after Kale who swiftly passes the ball to me. I head the ball up over Ulrik who curses at me and Indie easily kicks the ball into the net, watching as it soars past Grayson's finger tips

"Sick" Indie and Kale shout as the rush up to me fist bumping and hugging me

"We're so gonna kick ass"

By the end of our scrimmage my team kicked ass. We won 6-2.

Kyle calls us over and gives us a pep talk.

"So tomorrow for the game, we're gonna send out Jayce, Jason, Ulrik, Kale, Devon, Grayson, Neil, Xavier, Sam, Kelly, Noah, Indie, Luke, Jacob, Derek and Taren. So you all know your positions and I really have nothing else to say. Just be in the field by 3:15. Don't be late"

He looks at me and I shrug innocently

"Now hit the showers" he says as he picks up the ball and heads out off the field.

"Do you guys think we go this?" Devon asks as we make our way to the showers

"We have no choice" I respond "if we want to win gold this year. We're gonna have to kick ass tomorrow"

"But the Rebels are such a strong team" Ulrik whines

"We just got to be stronger" Jason and I both shout at our team

"We can't pussy out just because they have taller players. We have faster players"

"We're an equal match for them. If we just keep them in their end we should be good" Jason groans

"Shouldn't be to hard with Gazelle over here" Grayson snorts as he points at me.

The only people other than Hanna who got along with me and wasn't scared of my appearance was my team. They accepted me straight away. Considering I was their best shot at getting us a medal, they needed me.

My background is European and coming from over there the first thing you learn is to play soccer. Literally the only thing you need is a round object and two posts and you are good to go.

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