seein red

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Monday finally comes along and I get up excited that I finally can get back to school.

I haven't been in school for almost three days and I was getting tired as hell being at home with no one to talk to. I grab a pair of shorts and a black tank top heading to my mirror. I grab my glasses and put them on my face.

My doctor insisted I get a pair of glasses. Especially since I can't see far at the moment. I hated the glasses dude. With a passion, but Hanna insists I look hot with them.

I walk downstairs and grab my bag and crutches waiting for Hanna to show up

Bishhh I'm here. Weres you?

I roll my eyes at Hanna's horrid grammar. She purposely did this knowing very well I hated it.

Bitch I'm heading out the door now. Relax. I'm still a fucking gimp.

Dudeee I'll come help ya. Wait one second.

I barely have the door open when Hanna comes rushing in

"Goodmorning Mrs. Morgans. Bye Mrs. Morgans" Hanna says as she grabs my bags helping me out towards the car.

"Bye mom" I yell "I'll see you tonight"

"Bye J" she yells "I love you"

"Love you too mom" I say just as the door closes.

We get to school and Hanna parks the car.

"I have to warn you about something" she says in a serious tone

"Shoot" I shrug as I grab my bag

"Mr. Price has gotten a hella lot hotter since you saw him last" she admits and I slap her

"I hate the word hella. Oh my gosh, why do you do this to me?"

"I love you" she sings as I get out of the car limping towards the school.

I come into the school and Hanna takes my bag. Opening our locker and grabbing my bags.

She walks with me to my first class and we walk in seeing everyone looking at us. Mr. Price looks up from his work and his hazel eyes meet mine.

I freeze mid step and Hanna almost crashes into me

"Keep walking" she demands as she drops my books onto my desk

"Jayce" Mr. Price says "can I see you after class?"

"Uh yeah" I mutter

"It's just about missed assignments" he assures me as his eyes bore into mine. I nod and he continues his lesson

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The bell rings and I watch as everyone walks to the door. Hanna grabs my books and looks at me

"I'll see you at our lockers?"

"Just go to class, I'll meet you there" I reply as I smile at her.

Mr. Price walks Hanna to the door laughing about who knows what. He turns to me

"How's your head?" He asks as he walks towards me his hazel eyes searching my face. I shrug as I meet his eyes

"It hurts like hell"

"I can imagine" he says as his finger traces over my bruise. I feel my eyes widen as I stare at him. "How's the leg?"

He continues sliding his finger over my face inspecting it

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