darts and booze

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The music was pounding as I walked into the bar with Hanna and Drew. They begged me to come with them because they wanted a night out. So me being the good friend, went with them.

I really didn't want to, considering that Kayden asked me to go with him, but then I told him about them and he was cool with me hanging out tomorrow night.

So here I am, stuck alone at the bar, while Hanna is snogging the hell out of Drew. The guy beside me at the bar looks at me and tips his glass back before asking

"Hey mate, ya wanna go and play some darts?''


"No, the non existing guy that sits behind you" he snorts as he gets up gesturing for me to follow him.

I roll my eyes and follow him

"I'm Zayn" he smiles as we get up to the dart board, a group of guys huddled around it.

"Jayce" I respond shaking his hand.

"You ever done darts?" I shake my head

"No, just pool" I chuckle

"Let's see your luck?" He grins as he hands me a dart.

I bite my lip as I take aim and Zayn says,

"Everytime someone misses a shot, we take a shot and answer a personal question. If someone hits Bulls eye, everyone takes a shot."

Everyone agrees to the rules and he juts his head to the board.

I let the dart fly, and we watch as it soars through the air, hitting the board, but falling to the oak floor seconds later.

"Fuck this" I laugh as the one guy hands me a shot glass. I lift the cup and down it

"Personal question" the group chants as they look at Zayn.

"Let's start this easy" he smirks "How old are you?"

"Eighteen" I laugh as I collect the dart handing it to the next guy, who tosses the dart watching it hit the middle. He smirks at us and we all lift our glasses drinking it.

"Here you want?" The one guy asks as he hands me a smoke.

"Nah man I don't smoke" I say waving him off, taking a couple steps back

"Just one" he insists following me

"Dude" I sneer "back off"

"Come on, mate" he groans as he holds the joint in my direction.

I roll my eyes, no one in the group was paying attention. So I shove the guy hard into the wall

"Listen here" I snarl "if I say fucking no. I mean fucking no. Does that not make sense? Or is this the first time someone has ever said no to you?"

He stares at me wide eyed and I feel Zayn pulling me off the guy.

''Mate relax" Zayn says as he keeps me in a strong grip "Ryder back off"

"I just offered him a joint" he protests as he glares at me "not my fault he's a fucking pussy"

I break out of Zayn's grip and take two steps towards Ryder who smirks at me

"Changed your mind?" He smirks

"Yeah, about liking you" I sneer landing one swift punch right to the jaw. He falls to the ground, holding his face in one hand, the joint in the other. Ryder curses as he gets back up, handing the joint to someone before he launches himself at me.

I knew I shouldn't fight, considering I still had my foot in a cast, and my face was still swollen as hell. But who the fuck cares?


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