Exes and Oh's

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"Lucas" Hanna's mom grins as she comes back from the washroom "I haven't seen you in almost two years. How have you been?"

Lucas smiles as he pulls her into a hug

"I've been good. I'm back now, since I finished school out on the East Coast" he smiles "How about yourself?"

"I've could be better" she shrugs as she looks at us "do you have time to join us?"

"Mom" Hanna hisses

"Hush up child" her mom snaps "Please sit."

"I guess I could sit for a while" he says as he smirks at me. I look at Hanna who groans as he sits across from us

"Jayce has to go" Hanna says as she gets up grabbing my crutches and helping me up

"What happened?" Lucas asks as he looks at me concern flashing through his eyes "You look like you've been hit by a bus"

"Soccer" I mutter as I put my crutches under my arms "I'll see you later Mrs. Porter. Excuse me for leaving, but I have a thing with my parents"

"Oh that's fine sweetie" she smiles "You coming to the party this weekend?"

"Wouldn't miss it" I reply trying not to show the sarcasm dripping in my voice.

"Alright!" She grins as she turns back to Lucas "I'll see you then"

"Great" I mutter "bye Mrs. Gray. See you Lucas" I turn on my heels and hop out of the shop noticing people were staring at me.

Aunt Sarah comes back with and ice pack and asks Hanna's mom

"Where is Jayce?" She demands

"He left?" Her mom replies "Why?"

"He needs ice for his face" she groans "How long ago did he leave?"

I quickly get out of the restaurant and see Hanna's car around the corner. I limp over to her and hop in dropping my crutches down on the seat beside me

"Want to head somewhere?" She asks

"Yeah a drink would be great" I mutter as she nods turning left

"Great! I know where to take you"

Hanna drops me off at the bar and walks inside with me. Not even ten minutes into our "non alcoholic day" she gets a text from her mom. 

She then proceeded to ditch me at the bar. So she left me. Great friend right? She told me she'd send someone to pick me up considering I don't have a car and can't drive for the next month or so.

I sigh as I sit at the bar with a glass of water in front of me.  Hanna would not let me drink alcohol, so she said that I could only have water.

She texted me about ten minutes ago and told me that if I could hang tight for a half an hour she'd come and pick me up.

The water I was drinking had this weird chlorine taste to it. And I wanted something more. Something stronger to forget this day.

I take a small sip and sigh.  I was feeling pathetic as hell, considering that I was only able to drink water. But what could you do?

I sigh again and drop my head to the bar in front of me when suddenly a chair scrapes beside me and someone sits.

I bring my head up and glance over and see a tall guy with bright red hair. He looks over towards me and smiles.

"Hello" he smiles as I notice a heavy accent as he speaks. 

"Hello" I smile.

"What happened?" He gestures towards my crutches and I internally sigh. Everyone has been asking me this. Since I got to the bar. And I swear if anyone asks one more time I will rip their throat out 

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