He Makes Me Feel... (Breylen)

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"Bryante, check it out." I say. He follows me up to the guest room. We sit back to back on the bed. "What's up, Dreamer?" He says and I hear the smirk in his voice. "Jerk. But, I'm finna tell you something and you can't get mad." I say and I feel him nod. "I was talking to the person who gave me that note." "You did?! Who was it?" "I don't know. Whoever it was told me to call them Kasper. Kasper the Black Ass Ghost." I say and we laugh. "So, what's he like?" "He's sweet and funny and just seems awesome." I say and sigh. "God, you're so white. Using awesome and shit." "Niggah, fuck you." I reply and he doubles over in laughter. "I'm sorry. That was just too funny. The way you said it...priceless. Hahaha. But let's get serious. What did y'all talk about?" Bry says. "Well, he asked if I liked the note, we discussed why he won't tell me who he is and he told me that he knew me personally." "Wait! He knows you personally? Well, that could be any fucking body... outside of school." "I know and it's driving me crazy that I don't know who he is. He gives me that... ugh... I don't know." I say and sigh before taking off my glasses and rubbing my eyes. "Talk to me, Bre. I'm your twin. We supposed to confide in one another. I'm all ears." Bryante says. "Ok. Alright, he gives me an unknown feeling. One that's indescribable but you know in your heart that he or she is the only one who can make you feel that way. That 'If loving you is wrong, I don't wanna be right' type feeling. But what's really throwing me is that I don't even know who he is... yet. But he has me feeling wanted, known and... and... and loved. I don't know. I probably sound crazy. Do I sound crazy? I'm crazy for feeling and thinking this." I say, sentences rushed at the end. My twin grabs my face and says, "You're not crazy for feeling or thinking those things. You deserve to have a different kind of love aside from the type me, Ramir and Ramel give you. It's not fair that you have to endure what you do, live the way you do or act the way you do because of others' mistakes and because of who you are. So, by all means, feel an indescribable way about Kasper. Believe that he wants you. Believe that he knows you. And believe that he loves you. One day, you'll look up and he'll be your side along with me and the boys and for once... you'll be happy again." I hate him. Always knowing what to say and shit. "Ugh!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!" "I LOVE YOU TOO!!!" He yells back. I laugh and hug him. "Come eat!" Ramir yells and we break ass to get down there. As we eat, Bryante asks, "Did Bre show you the note she got?" "Nah. Let me see." He says and I take the note out my back pocket and hand it to him. Ramir reads it over with a smirk on his face. "Some little bucket head niggah feeling my sis. Ok, cool. Let him jump stupid. Bet you he die." He says and we bust up. I love my kinfolk.

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