Note #7 (Flashback)

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March 15th. Saturday.


"That looks great on you." The salesman says. I was out shopping for an outfit. Today was my birthday party but my actual birthday isn't until Monday, the 17th. Yea, I'm a St. Patrick's Day baby. Hell fuck yes! I'm trying to find a dress but I don't like them so it's hard. Bryante told me that I don't wear dresses because I don't want my ass out. Not to brag but it's pretty big. Anyway, that's not reason. I just don't like them. I don't know why. I ended up buying a pair of jeans, some Retro 6's and a Chicago Bulls shirt. When I got home, I showered, changed and had Ramir flat iron my hair. He does a damn good job, too. Bianca stay with the butterful hair.

*4 hours later*

It's ten and we turnt. My brothers are here, a couple of they friends, a few of my friends from elementary school, a couple outside family that I like and my parents. "Bre! Present time!" My dad yells across the yard. Me and my twin tear ass to the picnic table cause that niggah feel like we supposed to share EVERYTHING! I be catching ole boy in my shoes and jackets. He better be lucky that both those things are men's. When we got to the table, there was piles of gifts. "Bre, these are yours. Bry, those are yours." My dad says. My dad got me and Bry a matching pair of Tupac studs, matching outfits and black cards. Uff! Life is great. Ramir got me a stuffed animal collection. Yass! Ramel took me to get a tattoo earlier that morning. We both got sleeves. His was fire descending from a tower and mine is a dragon spiraling down and it blows fire out at the end of my arm. So that's his birthday gift. My mom got me condoms. I don't even care. We were getting to the end of the pile when Ramir says, "Anna, there's one more for you." and he walks over with medium-sized gift. "Ooh! Kill em!" Bry says and I laugh. I rip the paper off and see a cardboard box. Inside was a tiny black velvet box and a green envelope. 'Who the hell is Kasper! He know a lot of shit!' I think to myself. I open the envelope and read it to myself before passing it around.

Dear Breylen,

Happy birthday to you and your twin, baby. You 18 now. A few more months and you'll be in college. Hopefully with me by your side. I can't believe you're all grown up now. I remember watching you when you were younger. Me and your brothers had a blast playing with you and your twin. I knew that you'd have a special place in my heart but I never knew it would be like this. I'm lucky to know you. And anybody who gets you wil be the luckiest son of a bitch to ever walk this earth. So continue to turn up. I love you and I'll text on Monday.


Your Secret Admirer,

Kasper, the Black Ass Ghost

While everyone reads it, I open the box and gasp. Inside there was a ring with my birthstone in it. Aquamarine. Under the ring was a note. It said:

Promise ring. I promise to love you. I promise to support you. I promise to provide for you. I promise to trust you. And I promise I'll always be there. As long as you promise the same thing.

I looked towards Ramir and Ramel and their friends. Only two of the boys surrounding them had been around since me and Bryante were babies. And that's Charlie and Haven. Is it one of them? I don't know. But I slip my ring on and smile to myself. Whoever Kasper is, yea... I definitely love him.

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