Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Psychology 201, Psychology 201..." Hinata was muttering to herself as she searched through the racks in their neighbourhood library...

"Psychology 201... Oh there you are." the bluenette whispered happily to herself as she touched the book and began pulling it.

A pale hand touched the same book, its height above Hinata's hand.

Hinata looked beside her to the owner of the hand and gasped in surprised.

"Oh hi Hina chan. Wasn't expecting you to be searching for the same book as me." Toneri smiled as Hinata blinked a few times at him.

"What's wrong Hina chan? Cat got your tongue?" Toneri teased as he let go of the book. "I'm sure you're very surprised by my presence. Even Momoshiki is here. We decided to take a break from our mum's business and have a holiday here in Tokyo."

"But we sure didn't expect to see our childhood Hina chan here. That's for sure." Momoshiki's deep voice approached them as he stood behind Toneri.

Hinata's mouth opened and closed like a fish as Toneri laughed and Momoshiki slapped his back.

"Enough of teasing our little Hina!" Momoshiki scolded his younger brother.

"Hinata are you done?" Sasuke's voice interrupted the three of them from behind her. "If you're done let's go. I promise to pick Sakura up from the hospital in an hour's time."

Momoshiki's and Toneri's eyes narrowed at the approaching Uchiha as he stood protectively slightly in front of Hinata.

"And who might you be? Last we heard her husband is an idiotic blonde guy, not some black duck butt hair guy!"

Sasuke's eyes narrowed back at the two pale brothers.

"I don't need to explain anything to the two of you blokes." Sasuke said simply as he felt Hinata touching his elbow.

"Sasuke it's fine. They're my childhood friends..." she whispered gently but Sasuke know far more than that...

Naruto and his cousins have been updating Sasuke and Itachi... But they don't know of any updates about the Otsutsuki brothers being in Tokyo... Sasuke decided to put his guard up and not go easy on the two guys before him...

"It's not fine Hinata. Naruto wouldn't like it if I let you talk to them."

"Ho-ho. So this Naruto sounds like a possessive husband doesn't he Hina chan?" Momoshiki smirked at the Uchiha as Sasuke tightened his jaw...

"He's-he's not actually..." Hinata answered quietly but firmly.

"Eh? Hina chan found back her voice? Say Hina, would you like to follow us and have lunch? You know, catch up on the old times?" Toneri held out his hand and Sasuke frowned at the hand before staring the two brothers straight into their pale eyes.

"Enough. That is just about enough."

Sasuke was really holding back his rage. Among all of their friends, Sasuke was the most emotionally unstable one... Naruto was the closest friend Sasuke had and the blonde together with Itachi helped Sasuke get back on his feet... He wasn't about to let these two guys persuade Hinata... Naruto trusted Hinata's welfare to him since he was busy with assignments at the university...

"What are you? Her admirer? Did she friend-zoned you or something since you're hanging out with her even though she's already married?" Momoshiki taunted.

"Momoshiki, Toneri, that's enough. Sasuke is Naruto kun's best friend. My husband is stuck at the uni doing his assignments that's why Sasuke is here to accompany me since Naruto kun won't trust anyone looking after me other than another close friend, Sasuke or Neji. But Neji is out with his girlfriend that's why..."

"Hinata you don't need to explain anything to them. They don't deserve an explanation. Let's go." Sasuke cut her off briskly as he held her wrist and pulled her along with him.

Strangely, Momoshiki and Toneri didn't give chase and as soon as the two of them got into Sasuke's car, Hinata let out a breath of relief.

"Thank you for cutting me off Sasuke. I was getting so nervous I was just blurting everything out..."

"It's fine just don't do it again next time you see them." Sasuke answered curtly as he starts the engine of his blue BMW.

"What? Why?"

Sasuke's hands tightened on the steering wheel as he began driving towards the hospital that Sakura is working at as an attachment nurse..

"Nothing. It's just not good if those two know too much about yours' and Naruto's lives. Besides, you and Naruto don't owe them a living so they don't need to know."

Hinata thought about it before nodding her head in agreement with Sasuke...


"They did WHAT?!?" Naruto bellowed as Sasuke retold what went down at the library.

Currently Sasuke, Sakura, Sai, Ino, Naruto and Hinata were at Ichiraku Ramen, courtesy of Naruto of course. Sasuke married Sakura a month after Naruto married Hinata and Sai married Ino the following month...

"Cool down Naruto. People are watching." Ino commented as Sai studied his blonde friend carefully.

"Naruto, are you jealous?" Sai suddenly spoke.

"Heck yea I am!" Naruto yelled immediately. "If a guy was hitting on your wife what would you do Sai?!?"

"I will castrate the guy's dick." Sai answered swiftly and calmly.

"Sai!" Ino squealed as she covered her mouth and used her other hand to beat his shoulder. "Will you please be more civilised?!?"

"Well what about you teme?! If guys start trying to get it on with Sakura won't you get angry too?!?" Naruto demanded, swirling his head to face Sasuke.

Sasuke took a deep breath, sighed and leaned back into the cushion chair that he was sitting on.

"Look Naruto. The more angry you are, the more you are gonna blurt out information to them and that's NOT what we want to do right now." Sasuke said carefully.

Naruto snapped back to his senses and heard Hinata's questioning voice.

"Is there something the two of you are not telling me..." Hinata asked softly.

"Well... Uh..." Naruto began but Sasuke cut him off.

"Hinata. When Naruto's ready, he'll tell you. For now, don't push him."

"What? Sasuke what's going on?" Sakura asked in a confused tone but Sasuke shook his head.

"It's better if people who aren't involved don't know. It can cause more harm." he told her firmly but in a gentle tone.

Sakura understood the final decision from Sasuke's voice. She nodded her head and Ino frowned at the pinkette.

"What? You're gonna give up like that?! Push your husband for more info!" Ino whined and Sakura shook her head.

"I respect my husband's decision Ino. Sasuke only has my welfare in mind so it's best that I listen to him."

Ino slumped in her seat as Sai chuckled and wrapped an arm around his wife.

"Relax you can go home and call up Temari. Gossip with her about Shikamaru okay?" he consoled her and that immediately lit Ino's eyes up.

"Kiba's right. Ino literally lives on gossip." Naruto muttered under his breath as the others laughed.

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