Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Naruto's P.O.V.:

"Alright guys, I think that's about it. We're done and we can submit them! Yes!" I fist pumped the air as my other two group members, Jugo and Haku, started packing up.

"So who'll be in-charge of printing and filing the assignment?" Haku asked as I too started packing up.

I picked up my bag and faced my two members.

"I'll do it. Since Naruto already emailed the soft copy to all of us, I'll just print and file it. See you next Monday." Jugo offered as we bid each other farewell and walked our separate ways..

I switched on my black Volkswagen and got into the driver's seat, placing my bag in the passenger seat.

"Alright, time to get home to Hinata chan and make some babies..." I chuckled to myself as I started the engine of my car and made a pit stop to buy cinnamon rolls as a surprise for my wife..

I have no idea why but she loves those rolls like I love ramen...

The last thing I remembered while driving home was a car crashing into mine and I blacked out...


Sakura was sleeping after a rough session of sex with her husband when her phone rang under her pillow.

"Hmm god Sakura why don't you ever put that thing on vibration..." Sasuke moaned as he rolled away from her and the pink haired woman gave a wide yawn as she fumbled for her phone.

As she's about to swipe the green button, Sasuke's phone which was also under his pillow, vibrated with a call and since he's a policeman in training, he has gotten used to be on standby 24/7. Hence the Uchiha woke up immediately and swiped his phone out from under the pillow.

Husband and wife answered their phones at the same time and both of them yelled together in unison.


Sasuke's head whipped to face his wife and vice versa. They both held each other's gaze as they continued their phone call...

"I'm on my way to the hospital, text me his ward level and the ICU number he's in." Sakura ended the call as she rushed to put on lingerie, shirt and jeans.

"Itachi nii san I'm on my way to the investigation site." Sasuke too ended the call curtly as he threw on a shirt and jeans.

"Fuck! How the hell did that dobe get into an accident?!? Was he drunk or what?!?" Sasuke muttered to himself as he grabbed his car keys and passed a fifty dollar bill to his wife from his wallet.

"Take the cab. I can't drive you as I need to be at the investigation site asap so I need the car."

Sakura quickly nodded her head and she and Sasuke each took a house key. Thank god there was a passing cab and Sakura hailed it just as Sasuke was about to get into his car.

"Call Hinata and inform her. I don't know whether she knows already but just do it." the Uchiha called out to his wife and Sakura again nodded her head as she hurriedly got into the cab..

"To Konoha Hospital please and step on the pedal! I'm the head nurse assisting the surgeon for tonight's case so I need you to go beyond the speed limit!" Sakura demanded to the cab driver who's in his forties.

"But mam' I'll be booked if..."

"My name is Sakura Uchiha so just tell that to the Uchiha Police Department to waive your fine! Now hurry and do it quick!!!"

The cab driver swallowed nervously as he stepped on the accelerator...

Sakura's phone is still in her hands so she quickly dialled Hinata's number.

"Hello? Hinata?!?"

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