How you met

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I had just walked into Star labs when Cisco told me about how the guy who got struck by lightning woke up. When I walked in Caitlin was torturing him.

"I need you to pee in this cup." She said holding a cup.

"Not now" Cisco said taking the cup from her.

I laughed and the guy looked over at me and smiled.

"Hi I'm Barry Allen." He said with a geeky smile.

"Y/N Ramon I'm that idiots sister." I said pointing at Cisco.

"Hey!" Cisco said slapping my hand.

Barry then left to go tell his family he was up and ok. It wasn't long before we learned he could run very fast and heal fast as well.


I had just got off work and got a text from Barry to come to Star Labs. When I made it there I saw Joe talking to The Flash.

"What in the world is going on?" I asked.

"I'm the Flash." Barry said pulling off his hood.

"Wicked" I said smiling.

"This is Caitlin Snow my doctor that is Dr. Wells and this nerd is Cisco Ramon." Barry said pointing every one out.

"By nerd he means super awesome and hot." Cisco said smiling at me.

"Well mister super awesome and hot I'm Y/N Snart." I said laughing at his shocked face.

Harry (e2)

I was coming home for Christmas whenever Barry texted me telling me about a guy from earth 2 who looked like earth 1 Harrison Wells. When I made it to the house I saw my dad and everyone else.

"Hey babe." Cisco said smiling at me.

"Cisco stop flirting with my sister." Barry said.

"Barry I missed your ugly face so much." I said running into his arms.

"Oh Y/N I want you to meet Harry Wells." He said pointing to a hot guy with glasses.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Allen." Harry said smiling at me.


I was at home getting ready for work at Star Labs.

"Y/N it's time to go to work!" Caitlin yelled

"I'm about to be done getting ready!" I yelled back

I got done and ran down the stairs. I ate a banana and then we left for the lab. When we got in the lab I saw Jesse talking to a cute guy.

"Hey Jesse who is this?" I said smiling

"Wally West I'm Joe's son." He said shaking my hand

"Y/N Snow I'm Caitlin's sister." I said smiling at him

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