Soulmate AU Barry and Cisco

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Oh my wrist was the word Flash. My brother has been trying to tell me it means Barry. I tried to tell him that it meant someone else. Ever since the day Barry was given the name Flash Cisco said we were meant to be.

"Cisco stop I bet you anything Barry has Iris's name on his wrist." I said frowning.

"Or it could be the name Verse for you." He said following behind me.

"Tell me you two are not still fighting." Caitlin said as we walked in the lab.

"He won't stop about you know what." I said glaring at him.

"Cisco stop torturing her" Barry said as he came in with Iris.

"Yea I mean if she doesn't think the guy is her soulmate then she shouldn't try to be with him." Iris said glaring at me.

"She does think he is but if she would only ask him then it would be better." Caitlin said glaring at Iris.

"I got to go I have a not so real date with ice cream." I said walking out of the lab.

Barry pov

"Hey Barry what's the name or word for your soulmate?" Cisco asked me.

"Well it's the word Verse." I said watching Y/N leaving.

I have liked Y/N since she helped me with Iris and Eddie dating. I just don't think she likes me because of this guy that is her soulmate that she is having trouble with.

"Wait you said Verse right?" Cisco asked.

"Yea I did why?" I asked looking at him weird.

"My lovely sister has the word Flash on her." He said giving me a knowing look.

"Cisco she told you not to tell him!" Caitlin said elbowing Cisco.

"Wait she has my name on her, where you all talking about me being the guy she likes?" I asked backing up.

Cisco shook his head yes and I ran to find her. It was a hour before I made it to her door. I knocked on her door until she opened it.

Your POV

"Why are you knocking so much on my door Barry?" I asked as I opened the door.

"On your wrist is the word flash isn't it?" He asked looking at me.

"I'll kill Cisco." I growled.

"Y/N look at me," he said making me look at him." Why didn't you tell me?"

"I know you like Iris and I didn't want to...." Barry stopped me from continuing.

Barry backed me into the wall and kissed me. He then showed me his wrist which had the word Verse on it. He smiled at me and kissed me again.


On my neck was a tattoo of the name Vibe. I had a feeling that it meant Cisco, who I have been having feelings for.

"If you don't tell him I will." Leonard said smirking.

"You know I hate you Lenny." I said glaring at him.

"You look at him like your a lost puppy and he is your owner." Leonard said smirking.

"And he looks at Lisa like she is water and he has been in a desert for a year." I said glaring at him.

"Y/N!!!!!!!! Come help me!!!!" Lisa yelled from the other room.

"Lisa!!!!!! You are a grown up you can fix your hair on your own!!!" I yelled back laughing and getting up.

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