Kidnapped and make up

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The beginning is for all of them.

I was walking home and it has been a week since I saw my ex boyfriend. I felt horrible and all I wanted to do was lay down and die. When I made it inside my house everything went black. I woke up tied to a chair with a man in front of me and a gag in my mouth.

"Hello Y/N my name is Hartley Rathaway but then you already know that." He said laughing and undoing my gag.

"The flash will stop you he won't let you win." I said glaring at him.

"Oh yes because you have spoken to the flash in a while." He said grinning.

I seat there for almost a week before the Flash came and stopped Hartley. He rushed me to the hospital and a doctor took a look at me. Everyone then came to see me and make sure I was okay.


"Hey are you okay sis?" Cisco asked sitting beside me.

"Yea I'm okay thanks to the flash." I said laying my head down.

"You know he misses you" Cisco said.

"I miss him to." I said closing my eyes.

Cisco left to go home and I woke up to Barry asleep in the chair beside my bed with his head laying on it. I ran my hands through his hair and I grabbed his hand while he woke up.

"Thank god your okay Y/N." he said squeeze my hand.

"I'm sorry." I said crying.

"No don't it was my fault I should never have let him take you." He said crying.

"No for hitting you."

"No I deserved that and I would never cheat on you." Barry told me holding my hand. " Iris kissed me as soon as she heard your voice."

"Why would she do that?" I asked.

"She and Eddie had a fight and she hated seeing us happy." He said crying.

"I'm so sorry I should of let you explained I just...." I bust out crying before I could finish talking.

He then wrapped his arms around you and asked you to get back with him.

"I love you more than I have ever loved Iris." He said kissing me.


"Where is she!" I heard a voice yell. "Where is my girlfriend!" It yelled again.

The next thing I know Cisco has run into my room out of breath.

"Y/N are you okay." He said out of breath.

"Cisco what the hell is wrong with you!" Lisa yelled coming into my room.

"I want you both out now!" Leonard yelled.

"No you can hit me or you can kill me but I'm not leaving this room." Cisco said glaring.

"Leonard don't let me talk to him." I said when he made a move to hit him.

Leonard and Lisa both left with her sending me a glare.

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