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I groaned as I woke up to the sound of banging on my door. I set up and hit Mick's shoulder, he set up and looked at me confused as I pointed to the door.

"What!" He yelled annoyed.

"Got a mission! Know where (y/n) is?" Zari asked through the door.

"Check the kitchen!" He said as I hid my face in a pillow.

"Alright." She said as she went and walked away.

"That was close." I said with a sigh.

"Yea, don't need airhead to know bout this." He said standing up.

I smiled as I pecked out from under the covers to see Mick putting his clothes back on. I set up and laughed as Mick tripped.

"Think that was funny?" He asked standing up.

"Hilarious." I said with a smile.

"I'll show you hilarious." He said tackling me on the bed and tickling me.

I laughed as I tried to get away and he kept me pinned down.

"Okay! Okay you win!" I squealed as he smiled down at me.

"I know I do." He said pecking my lips.

For the past few weeks me and Mick have been secretly sleeping together. We didn't want to tell anyone because of two reasons. One reason being I'm a hero and he is a thief, the second reason is because my older brother is Ray Palmer.

"I should go." I said sitting up.

"Alright. I'll see you later." He said kissing me deeply.

I left and made it to my room and hopped into the shower. I heard my door open and Ray call for me.

"In shower!" I yelled as I put a towel around me.

"Okay! We have a mission so hurry up sis!" He yelled as he left.

I quickly got dressed and left to see about the mission.

"Okay So there is an anachronisms in the Vietnam War. (Y/n) you will go with Mick and Nate while we go look around at the camp." Amaya explained.

I headed Mick swear under his voice and I patted his shoulder and walked away. We made it to the forest and ran into a group of soldiers.

"Names Dick Rory and you are?" The leader asked with a smile.

"(Y/n) Palmer." I said as I saw Mick staring at him.

"We came here to investigate the deaths that happen a few days ago." Nate said softly.

We spent the remainder of the time with Mick's father's group and I realized that half way through Mick wasn't alright. I walked up to hear him say something to Nate and my heart broke.

"My whole life, I saw him as a monster. Blamed him for all the sick things that I've done. But now I see... I'm worse than him. Should have been me that burned in that house." He said softly.

I walked away and slept near Nate instead of Mick. When we got up and got close to the village I saw Dick knock Nate out.

"Hey what the hell!" I yelled as I crouched down to check on Nate.

"Those traitors killed my men. Only far I do the same to them." Dick said looking at his men.

"That will solve nothing! You will be worse then them." I said angrily.

"I'm fine with that."

"Is that what you want to leave your kid! A father who massacred a village!" I snapped.

He turned and faster than I could react he punched me. I fell and hit the ground, when I woke up I was beside Nate on the ground. I looked up to see Mick talking to Dick. I set up and felt a sickness wash over me.

"I think I'm gonna get sick." I whispered as I started to cough.

"Mick! (Y/n) is sick!" Nate said as I started to cough more.

Ray looked over at me and saw me clenching my stomach. He rushed over to my side checked my head.

"What happen?" He asked as I closed my eyes.

"I got knocked out." I whispered as I felt the room start to spin.

"Don't worry I got you." He said helping me stand.

I looked up to see Dick out cold. Ray helped me get to the ship and took me to the medbay. I set down on the chair and closed my eyes as Gideon did a scan on me.

"Miss Palmer it appears you are pregnant." Gideon said calmly.

"Is the baby alright?" I asked worried as I looked at the scanner.

"Everything seems fine. I will have to keep checking on you to be sure." She explained.

"A baby?" Ray asked shocked.

I bit my lip and Ray shook his head and looked at me shocked.

"Who is the Father?" He asked softly.

"Mick." I said closing my eyes.

"Mick! Are you serious? Out of everyone it is the one who is gonna abandon you!" He snapped.

I felt tears stream down my face as I stood up and walked to my room. I closed the door and set on my bed and closed my eyes as I started to fall asleep. When I woke up it was to someone laying beside me.

"How you feeling?" Mick asked as I rolled over and snuggled into his chest.

"I'm pregnant." I whispered.

I felt him freeze up and I hid my face in his chest as I felt tears stream down my face.

"I'm gonna be a father...... I didn't expect that." He said with a sigh.

"Wait you are pregnant... and my dick of a father hit you." He growled.

I felt him start to get up but I stopped him by holding him down.

"Are you okay?" He asked making me look up at him.

"Please don't leave me." I whispered sadly.

"Never." He said kissing my forehead.

I snuggled into his chest deeper as he started to talk to me. I smiled as he started telling me names for our kid and about how he was gonna kill my brother for putting that thought in my head. I smiled as I leaned up and kissed Mick deeply before standing up and walking into the kitchen.

"Congrats." Zari said with a smile.

"Hey haircut we need to have a talk." Mick said with a frown as he grabbed Ray.

I set down and sighed as I grabbed a piece of pie.

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