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I was helping Barry fight against Zoom when Zoom ran his hand through my chest.

"No Y/N!!!!!" Barry yelled running over to me.

"It's okay baby I'm okay..." I said choking.

"I'm here I can save you I can--"

"No don't I'm here and you need to protect our baby she needs you.... our baby needs you and I love you." I said as I closed my eyes letting sleep take over.


I was walking into the cortex when I saw Cisco on the ground.

"Cisco what happen!!" I yelled running over to him.

"Y/N.... I... love... you." He said taking deep breaths.

"I'm here your gonna be okay your gonna.... Cisco... Cisco no!!!" I yelled holding onto him.

I started to cry and I took a deep breath and all of a sudden I heard water. I looked up and closed my eyes as water came pouring into the cortex and flooding it.

Harry (e2)

I was going into labor and the doctors said there was a problem so I had to have a Csection. When I woke up I looked over to see Harry holding our son.

"Hey..." I said softly.

"How do you feel?" He asked smiling.

"I'm okay can I hold him?"

"Yea." He said handing me our son.

"Hey baby I'm your mama."

He smiled up at me and the nurse came in to check on me and him she took him to run some test. I closed my eyes and decided to get more rest. After a hour I felt pain in my stomach and gasped out loud.

"Is everything okay?" Harry asked worried.

"Get a wrong." I whispered in pain.

He called for a doctor and in no time I was prepped for surgery. They told me that I had lost a lot of blood and I was still blooding so they need to find where it is coming from. They put me under and the last thing I saw was Harry with our son.


I was driving when a car hit the side of my car pushing me down a hill. I woke up in the hospital.

"Hey baby." Wally said holding our daughter.

"Wally what happen?" I asked.

"You were in a wreak." He explained.

"The other driver?"

"Is fine." He said as I closed my eyes.

I heard a beep and then the doctors came rushing in before I closed my eyes and embraced the darkness.


Everyone had found out about Harrison being Eobard Thawne and now they were all fighting. I heard a shot and saw Eddie hit the ground. I turned to see Eobard disappearing.

"No Eo!!!" I yelled rushing over to him.

"I love all three of you." He whispered looking at me.

He disappeared and a hole followed Barry took us all outside and I spent most of my time crying. After everything was over I went home to my daughter and son, Nora and Henry Thawne.

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