They ask you to move in

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You and Barry have been dating for almost a year and he thought it would be nice to wake up and see you every morning.

"Y/N love me!" He wined as we seat on my couch.

"Barry love me!" I said smiling mocking him.

"Oh I got a gift for you!" He said smiling.

In about three minutes he was back with a music box.

"It's beautiful Barry, but why is there a key in it?" I asked confused

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"It's beautiful Barry, but why is there a key in it?" I asked confused.

"Well that is the key to the house I bought for if you want us to move into together." He said smiling.

I jumped up and hugged him saying yes and then giving him a kiss.


You and Cisco have been dating for two month and he didn't like you having to live with Lisa.

"Y/N how much do you care about me?" Cisco asked lovingly

"What do you want Cisco Ramon?" I asked.

"I want for you to move in with me."he said smiling.

"I'll have to think about that I mean I love all the guys that come to mine and Lisa's house." I said smirking

"Yep you are living with me now." He said grabbing me and putting me on his shoulders.

"Cisco put me down!!!!" I yelled laughing.


Ok so he didn't ask you his daughter did because he would of just told you that you were.

"Y/N you know my dad loves you...." Jesse said.

"What did he do?" I asked laughing.

"He was gonna tell you that you were moving in with him but I thought I would ask do you wanna move in with him?" She asks smiling.

After I said yes he came in and picked me up.

"Harrison Wells put me down!" I yelled laughing.

"Nope your mine now so you are not leaving my sight." He said sitting me down in a chair beside his.


You are waiting until he finishes college for you to move in together, because you both want to have jobs and you want him to spend more time with his dad.

"Hey babe I gotta question." Wally said walking up to me.

"What is it Wally?" I asked.

"When I get out of college do you wanna move in together?" He asked smiling at me.

"Yes id love to Wally" I said smiling at him.


He told you that you were staying with him.

We were sitting on the couch when he left to get me something to drink. When he came back he had a key with him.

"What's this for?" I asked when he handed to me.

"You need a key to get into our house." He said with his head in my lap.

"Our house?" I asked raising a eyebrow

"Yes ours you are moving in with me." He said laughing.

"You know sometimes I want to hit you and other times I wanna kiss you." I said laughing.

"Well lets go with the second and you kiss me now." He said raising up and kissing me.

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