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Warning!!!! Feelings!!!! I apologize in advance

I felt tears stream down my face as I looked in front of me to see Barry. I had taken Iris' place by using H.R's device and I knew it was the only way for him to have a happy ever after.

"Barry!" I exclaimed.

I felt a sharp pain in my back and the next thing I know, Barry is holding me.

"No!" He screamed.

I watch as Savitar leaves and I quickly change to my face.

"Bar...." I whisper.

"No.... (Y/n)." He whispers.

"It's okay.... it's okay Barry." I whispered.

"No.... please not you." He begged as he held me.

"I... couldn't let you lose her... I know how it feels to lose the person you love.... and I... I didn't want you to feel that... I love you bro." I whispered.

I felt my life flash before my eyes and I blinked and I saw I was in my old house.

"Where am I?" I asked looking around.

"In the land between life and death sweetheart." A voice said.

I turned to see my dad and tears streamed down my face as I ran up to him.

"Hey Princess." He said hugging me.

"What is going on?" I asked pulling away.

"You are dying... I'm sorry." He said softly.

"What am I doing in my old house?"

"When we die, we go on a adventure... through our past." He said softly.

I heard the door opened and held my breath as a man walked inside.

"Baby! I'm home!" He yelled.

"Lenny!" I screamed running down the stairs.

I jumped into his arms and laughed as he spun me around.

"This was before he left... and didn't come back." I whispered.

I watched as I kissed him and then pulled away and smiled up at him.

"How was your day?" I asked happily.

"Just got better..... now... have I missed anything doll?" He asked with a smile.

"Not really, Barry is fighting a man named Zoom and I'm here bored out of my mind." I said with a laugh.

"Well I should change that." He said pulling me against him.

I smiled as he kissed me deeply and then I led him up stairs.

"He left a week later..... he was killed...." I whispered.

I turned to look at my dad only to see he was gone.

"Dad?" I asked confused.

"He is gone." A voice said.

I turned to see another man and smiled as I realized who it was.

"Ronnie.... what are you doing here?" I asked softly.

"Here to help...... come with me." He said as he took my hand.

We walked outside and the room changed. I looked around and realized I was in a prison. I watched as Dad walked up to me and took the phone.

"Hey Princess." He said softly.

"How are you Dad?" I asked softly.

"I've been better.... what you need to talk about?" He asked softly.

"It's Barry..... he... He is in the hospital." I said through tears.

He put the phone down and tears streamed down his face. He soon picked it back up and asked what happen.

"This was when Joe had me tell dad about the incident with Barry...... I was never so scared." I said as I watched as me and dad cried.

"Do you remember what happen next?" He asked softly.

"I met Lenny." I said with a smile.

It soon showed me leaving and I accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed as I helped him pick his stuff up.

"It's fine dollface..... names Leonard." He said as he took the papers.

"(Y/n)." I said with a smile.

"You can make up for making me late, by letting me take you out to dinner sometime." He said with a smile.

"I might just do that." I said as I handed him my card and walked away.

"He is a charmer." A voice said.

I turned around to see a woman and felt the tears fall as I ran up to her.

"Hi baby." She whispered as she hugged me.

"Mom.... I missed you so much." I whispered.

"I know... but I have watched you every way. Even through the bad times." She said softly.

I turned to see me yelling at Leonard, and him yelling back.

"It's a simple choice Lenny!" I screamed.

"No it isn't! You want me to give my life up!" He yelled.

"Crime or me! That is your choice!"

"That isn't fair! You knew what you were getting into! I have a heist I don't need this!" He snapped as he grabbed his gun.

"If you walk out that door! Don't come back!" I screamed.

"I won't!" He yelled slamming the door.

Tears streamed down my face as I slid to the door and covered my face.

"He never returned... he.... He was killed saving his team." I whispered.

"And being a hero." Mom said softly.

"No..... He was a legend." I whispered.

I whipped my eyes and turned to see mom gone. I turned back to see me looking at a stone.

"You bastard..... why.... why didn't you come back... I waited for you.... I waited for you!" I screamed.

I felt arms around me and turned to see Micm. He hugged me and I cried in his shoulder.

"I kicked him out.... he died thinking I hated him." I said through tears.

I whipped my eyes as she followed Mick to a car.

"You always did think the worse of me." A voice said.

I turned around and covered my mouth as I saw Leonard smiling at me.

"Hi baby." He said softly.

"Lenny.... is that...... really you?"

"Yea.... it's really me dollface." He whispered.

I rushed up to him and cried as he pulled me into a hug.

"I missed you too." He whispered.

I closed my eyes and breathed in his sent before I opened them to see a light engulf both of us.

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