Over You 🙃

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Prompt: Fresh out of a breakup, Mitch finally reaches a point where he feels okay. Though, none of it would be possible without Scott.

Setting: IRL Same Personalities

Words: 464

Mitch felt okay.

Mitch felt okay for the first time in a little while.

It just hit him. He woke up, and suddenly it hit him. The world looks the same. The sun still shines. The earth still turns. Scott still brings him coffee every morning. Pentatonix will still make him believe there's hope for change in society. It's all okay.

Fuck everything else. Fuck him.

Mitch pulled back his duvet, his front teeth pulling back his bottom lip. Shaking his head slightly in disbelief, a small smile breaks through the bone structure that's been so rigid for so long.

Fuck him.

He headed for the shower, rinsing away both his sleep and his insecurities.

He got ready, barely even wearing any makeup.

He's done covering up.

He heard clatter in the kitchen. Brushing his hair through one more time, he left his room. Seeing Scott's bedroom door was left ajar assured him that he'd find the idiot in the kitchen.

"Morning, Sylvia." Mitch smiled, startling Scott. He dropped the pan he was cleaning.

"Mitch! Hi! Couldn't have given me some warning?" Scott turned around, initially surprised, but his tone vanished as soon as he saw the look on Mitch's face.

"Hey...you're up."

"I'd have to get up at some point. I went to bed, not to the dead. What're you doing?" Mitch walked over to the sink.

"I, um, I was just cleaning up so you wouldn't have to. I mean, I was gonna order in for breakfast, but the pot we used to warm up that fried rice was still dirty. Also, all your wine glasses..."

"Yeah, thanks." Mitch smiled at him again. Suddenly, Scott came charging towards him, engulfing him into a slightly hesitant hug, but a hug nevertheless.

"I love you, Mitchy." Mitch could stay there all day, wrapped in Scott. He slid his arms slowly around Scott's waist.

"I love you too, sappy." He joked, adjusting his head sideways on Scott's chest.

"You're good?" Scott asks, the vibration felt through the top of Mitch's head to his toes.

"Yeah. I'm good." Mitch smiles, and he pulls back, revealing Scott's grin.

"Perfect." He kissed Mitch forehead and broke away completely, heading for the living room.

"We should do something tonight! Actually, Kevin called me yesterday to check on us. See if we're still alive."

"Yeah..." I laughed awkwardly, "sorry for making us go off the radar."

"I don't know what you're apologizing for." Scott quipped, sitting down on the couch and picking up his phone.

"You dropped everything."

" 'Course I did," he looked up at Mitch,

"I'd do a lot of things for you."

short "middle of the night" update for 22K

you guys are amazing. I should have a name for you. maybe my poppets. we'll see ❤️

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