Unknown Number

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Kate goes on a date with Derek from school and texts his number .

Kate: Hey I'm ready for you to pick me up my address is 334 rose lane. 

 Unknown: I'm coming.

Kate: Yay, can't wait to see you!

Unknown: Im coming.

Kate: Okay...

Unknown: Let's play a game.

Kate: Umm is this even you?

Unknown: Play with me, Kate.

Kate: I don't know you like that.

Unknown: Come on.

Kate: Who is this, is this Derek?  

Unknown: This is a game.

Kate: STOP...

Unknown: Play with me.

Kate: No

Unknown: Please

kate: Fine! But if you're not Derek I'm calling the cops, this better be a joke!

Unknown: First, lock all of your doors.

Kate: Done.

Unknown: Now go in your room.

Kate: also done and locked. I've got my gun!

Unknown: No, no guns. Put it back.

Kate: No! Derek if this is you please stop and lets just go to the restaurant. 

Unknown: You're going to die.

Kate: How? 

Unknown: you're not following the game rules. Don't make me break your window. 


Unknown: Let me in. 

*Kate looks outside her window and sees a tall figure in front of an unfamiliar car (not Derek's)*

Kate: You're not Derek, who are you?

Unknown: A person, like everyone else, silly. 

Kate: I'm calling the police!

Unknown: I wouldn't do that, Kate. 

Kate: I will!

Unknown: Put the gun down.

*Kate sees the figure looking up at her with the gun in her hand.*

Kate: Just get away from here! The cops are already coming!


Kate: I don't want to play with you anymore!

Unknown: I don't care! Open the door!

*Loud bangs come from downstairs, Kate locks herself in the closet.*

Kate: please just leave! I didn't mean to type the wrong number! Just go! 

Unknown: Then it would be no fun! 

Kate: Go have fun with someone who wants to do this mess!

*banging stops*

*A loud yell comes from outside and someone is hit with an object*

Unknown: Kate? Ae you there?*

Kate: Who's this?

Unknown: It's Dererk. I read your messages with this creep, you can come out, the police are here and I knocked him out. come downstairs.

Kate: Thank god! 


{Guys, be careful what number you text to, especially if it's your address lol, I hope you enjoyed this one and its better bc Kate survives. More to come!}-- GG----My original nickaname

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