Killer dog/The messed up phone

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So before I start this story I want to give two huge shout-outs for commenting on my last post asking for new Ideas. I want to thank you guys so much for all the votes (I've never had this much!) And don't stop the reading! --Gg (I'm also 268 in horror: Awesomeness)

Shout-outs go to @Purple-ShmurpleFox @Harmony__Fullbuster ----Thank you guys so much.

                                     Also go follow my friend @FlutterWing if you love cats. 


I was chilling on the couch eating popcorn with Bryan when I heard the kids upstairs laughing and playing. It was very loud and annoying, because I could not hear the movie.  I walked upstairs and busted in their room. "Keep it down, dammit!"  They stared at me, their eyes wide in fear, but I just wanted them quiet, nothing more. 

I headed downstairs and noticed Bryan was gone. I rolled my eyes because I still wanted to cuddle with him. I sat on the couch and continued watching the horror movie and chewing popcorn. Then loud thumps were heard upstairs and I roll my eyes. I stomped upstairs this time louder then ever. "I thought I told you to keep it down!" I busted the door open and to my surprise, Blood was everywhere. 

It even reached the damn ceiling.

Johnny's head was on the other side of the room from his body, and Cara's face was missing. Little toddler Jamie was hanging off of the bed, limp and unresponsive. And there sat an unfamiliar dog, chewing on someone's eyeball. The dog took one long glance at me before letting out a terrifying growl in defense. I screamed, shocked, and I couldn't move. Then I heard Bryan coming upstairs and I needed to tell him everything. "Bryan! My kids! We need to get out of the house, the dog!" The dog kept growling, it's black eyes sinking into mine as I panicked, holding on to Bryan's arm and showing him what the dog did to the kids.  But he just stared at the three corpses and the dog...and stared...and stared.


A smile formed from the corners of his lips and he got on his knees. 

"Come here, boy." He called for the dog and it came immediately, licking his hands, leaving blood all over them. He then looked at me. "Meet the new member of the family."


I was on my phone texting my friend Greta talking about graduation. She was replying faster than usual, I noticed. But i ignored it, it was probably just her being excited and all. I then  went into my car and drove out into the night, still talking to Greta. I told her I was going to the coffee shop, and that's when the weird stuff started happening. She sent me a picture...of my car.

Greta: image

Me: Your at the coffee shop, too?

Greta: Um, no, I'm still out of town. I'll be back tomorrow morning. 

me: what's this picture of me in my car, then?

Greta: What?

I scrolled back up through the messages and noticed the picture was gone.

I tried typing what happened, but to my surprise, the phone started typing itself. 

Me: he will find you

Greta: Is this a prank?!

Me: Greta, I swear I didn't send that.

Greta: Ha ha.

Me: odn on Don't go to bed tonight osnnvojrev

Greta: Stop it.

Me: I'm not doing it!

Greta: Well goodnight then.

She went offline and I sighed, heading back home and preparing for bed. Maybe it wasn't real. Maybe someone had hacked my phone. Maybe it was one of Greta's cheesy pranks.

At home I plopped in my bed and slowly dozed off, before hearing my closet door creak open.

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