Postmortem photography

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{So this is sort of creepy to me and I found this really nice website where it came from, You guys will hopefully like this and I have at least one or two more coming tonight <3}

The corpses of loved ones, once featured in family albums. In the 1850's photography became more affordable in addition to portraits of relatives and friends.

Families commissioned photos of the recently deceased and the trend became known as "Memento Mori Photography"  

Memento Mori means "Remember, you must die."  Photographers had to capture subjects within 24 hours before decomposition set in. Many deceased were photographed at home, as if they were restfully sleeping. 

They were placed near a window bathed in a "heavenly light" and pupils were painted on the image to "give life" to the deceased. 

Fucked up part that I nearly cried at:  Subjects were mostly infants and children... They might be shown with their favorite toys so parents could remember them as they were. 

Occasionally the living would pose with the deceased for one final family photo. 

Even more fucked up: Queen Victoria slept beneath a postmortem photo of her husband... even in her own deathbed portrait. 

At the time these photos weren't seen as ghoulish, but as happy reminders of loved ones lost.

NAH BRUH YOU TOTALLY SHIT YOUR PANTS LMAO this was by far the scariest real life thing i have read to tell me how fucked up society was back then...but i have no time to judge. hoped you enjoyed LEAVE A VOTE! <3 

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