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Okay So last night I went to go see the newest scary movie "It" and 'it' is officially my favorite scary movie this year. I'm not going to give any spoilers but all you need to know is that I'm frightened to go in the bathroom for any reason. Enjoy these short clown stories. Enjoy "it" pun intended :)


     The Harlequin is sort of like slender man, but many people have reported sightings of him. They say the Harlequin can only be seen by young children. It has a very loud and sinister laugh that strikes fear into the soul of anyone within hearing range. Reported encounters with the Harlequin stretch back to the 13th century. Apparently they often plague certain families, visiting their children for several hundred years.

Could the Harlequin be real?


    During the 1980s the United States was shaken by dozens of reports of clowns attempting to kidnap children. There were stories of schoolchildren being chased home by groups of clowns driving white vans.

On the 22nd of May 1981, sightings of a knife wielding clown were reported at 6 different schools. On the same day, one mother heard her children scream after a knife wielding clown ordered them to enter his van. With these incidents occurring in cities across America around the same time and no suspect being apprehended, it remains a chilling open mystery.


      In May 1990, Marlene Warren answered her front door to find a clown staring at her. The anonymous clown revealed his revolver and shot her in the face. On hearing the gunshot, her son rushed to the front door to find his mother dead on the floor. He also saw a fleeing clown; a clown that has never been identified.

At the time of the murder the clown was holding a bouquet of flowers. I've always said that killer clowns are the most polite of all the brutal murderers.

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