Location ✈️ Pt 1

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"Send me your location, let's
Focus on communicating
'Cause I just need the time and place to come through (place to come through)
Time and place to come through
Send me your location
Let's ride the vibrations
I don't need nothing else but you
Nothing else, but you"
Khalid , Kehlani, Lil'wayne X Location

"Send me your location, let'sFocus on communicating'Cause I just need the time and place to come through (place to come through)Time and place to come throughSend me your locationLet's ride the vibrationsI don't need nothing else but youNothing el...

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/Katina Saryah Jones/

"Yo Kat , come on before we be late for our meeting !" My annoying ass instructor yelled, making me huff with annoyance.
I was already annoyed today because My big headed boyfriend hasn't called nor texted me all day, which was weird.
He usually calls to see how I'm doing or call, just to call.

I put my phone in my pocket and fixed my skirt and followed my instructor in to the conference room. As soon as we all got settled the meeting began.

"As y'all may know, Katina is now officially the CEO of this very Hair Company ." My boss announced pointing at me. Which lead to the room to fill with around of applause. I proudly smiled, and nodded my head then stood up.
" I'm very proud to be CEO of Lavish hair, thank you guys so much." I said and sat back down. My phone began vibrating in my pocket , I pulled it out under the table and looked at it. I had a text from my man. Odell.

Odell😋🤤💚: Baby I'm sorry for not texting you earlier, coach had us practicing all day.

Me: 😒 Mhmmm.. yeah. Sure. Why the hell is "practice" from 11 AM to 4 PM ? That's 5 damn hours..

Odell😋🤤💚: Baby come on 😩 I really was at practice. I'll have coach even call you and tell you

Me: Okay. Okay. I believe you. But you could've at least shot me a quick text😭

Odell😋🤤💚: I know bae, I'll make it up to you.😊

Me:👀 how?

Odell😋🤤💚:Don't worry just send me your location and you'll find out.🤗

I raised my eyebrow, trying to figure out what he had up his sleeve. I sent him the hotel address and my room number. I put my phone away and finished listening to the meeting.


An hour and 10 minutes went by, which ended the meeting. As soon as it was over I caught a Lyft to the hotel.

As soon as I reached my hotel room , there was a gold envelope taped to the door with the name "Kitty Kat" written on it. I smirked.

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