Ain't None of Your Friends Business👉🏽👯🙅🏽‍♂️

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"It ain't none of your friends business
Ain't none of your friends business,
Whether you get sex tonight
As long as we protect ourselves
And do it right."
None of your friends business x Ginuwine

"None of your friends business  x Ginuwine

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|Leah Sade Alai|

"Leah you always with Odell. When you gonna spend time with us, your girls?" Kayla, My bestie asked through the phone irritated. I rolled my eyes .
I sighed and turned towards the camera.

" I don't know Kay. Me and Dell gotta date tonight. I can't go out with y'all tonight. But I can go tomorrow, for sure." I said assuringly.
She huffed with agitation.
I shrugged and continued to look for my outfit for tonight.

"Whatever Leah. I guess Odell might as wel-"

"Odell might as well do what?" Odell asked cutting her off while busting through our bedroom door.

"Well since YOU always dragging MY best friend around where ever you go, you might as well put a leash on her." Kayla said with attitude. Which made Odell chuckle and shake his head.

"Y'all don't even be worried about her until WE decide to go on dates and when we doing US." He said bluntly.
And that left Kayla speechless.

I was shocked he even said that.
"Um... Kay I'm gonna call you back. Love you" I said quickly and hung up before she said something back.
I threw my phone on the bed and turned to Odell.

"What's up with you baby?" I asked with concern, and wrapped my arms around his neck.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and sighed. Putting his head in the crook of my neck.

"I'm just tired of your friend man. When they see us doing shit, they always gotta get mad. They need ta mind they own muthafuckin' business." He said angrily.
I rubbed my hands down his back.

"Baby calm down. I'll just talk to them. They were the ones to put us together so I don't know why they tripping." I said honestly.

"Nah baby, we going on a date tonight. That's that. Fuck them. I don't give a damn." He said letting me go.
I grabbed both sides of his face and pulled his face to mine, pressing our lips together.
At first he didn't want to kiss me back but he gave in.😊

I pulled away smiling.
"I love you."
He smirked.
"I love you more baby."


Later that night.

I wore all white and straightened my short hair.

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