Chapter 5

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A MILLION REASON By Hayley Dawn Harper

Chapter 5: The Day without Mr Hubby

Malam itu saya duduk sendirian di sofa di ruang tamu dan hanya termenung memerhatikan Tv dengan wajah penuh kebosanan. Sambil mengunyah biskut saya menukar chanel berulang kali dan akhirnya menoleh ke arah pintu. Baru semalaman tinggal di condo itu saya sudah mula merasa bosan. Saya cuba memikirkan apa yang bakal berlaku kepada saya keesokannya harinya. Saya memikirkan tentang whisbley tiba tiba dan ciumannya kepada saya pagi tadi sebelum dia berangkat pergi. Saya tersenyum sendiri.
"Hmmm. Penyayang juga laki saya tu. Saya fikir kan dia tu.. .. hmmm." Saya diam sejenak.

🎧🎧Bad Things- Camila Cabello🎧🎧🎧

Tiba tiba sahaja handphone saya berdering dan saya menyambutnya. Sudah pasti whisbley yang menelefon saya. Dari dia berangkat pergi pagi tadi, hampir setiap jam dia akan menelefon saya. Bermacam macam soalan yang keluar dari mulutnya kepada saya.
"Ya.." jawab saya dengan suara mendatar.
"Hi?not yet asleep?"suara manja whisbley kedengaran. Saya menoleh ke skrin telefon sejenak.
"No. Just watch tv and eating some biscuits." Jawab saya.
"Are you okay?"
"Yaa. Just a little bit boring."
"Did you miss me?"
"No.. havent think about you if you did not call me."jawab saya jujur.
"Hmmm. Call my assistant if you need anything okay."
"Ya i know."
"Everything okay.. anything you wanted to tell me?"
"Are you happy?"
"What kind of question was that?"
"Marrying someone like me?are you happy?" Soalan daripada whisbley membuat saya diam sejenak. Dan saya sepertinya tidak dapat menjawab soalan itu saat itu.
"There must be a reason why there is a happiness in a things we called as been married.. i dont know anything about it yet.. so dont ask me about it now." Jawab saya. Whisbley hanya diam.
"Im sorry if this marriage turn your life down..but give me some times and i will make you think thats this is not a bad things for you to try to do.."
"Whisbley.. stop saying anything that i dont understand.. i dont like flowery words.. just give me facts.. the truth the real words.."
"Its not a bad things to marry me. Dont you think so?" Kata whisbley. Saya diam.
"Acctually i have so many question to ask you.. but wait for me untill i go back and we will have our real talk" kata whisbley.
"This is just too rush for me.. im just 18 and i hope you understand what i mean. I dont know i know your name and a little bit about your family but personally about you.. i didnt know yet."kata saya cuba menjelaskan tentang keadaan diri saya kepada whisbley.
"But im not that bad am i?" Tanya whisbley lagi.
"Ya. You are fine. Nothing is wrong with you. Maybe its was me." Jawab saya.
"Okay. Wait for me and we will talk about it again. Like im serious. And i dont play with words."
"Emmm. Okay." Jawab saya.
"Goodnight Tanny. My wife."
"Goodnight Whisbley.. "jawab saya.
"Who am i?" Who is whisbley?" Tanya whisbley. Saya mengigit jari.
"My husband." Jawab saya perlahan.
"Thank you for answering. Go to sleep. Goodnight. I miss you."kata whisbley. Dan talian dimatikan. Saya hanya diam.
"Hmmm. Kenapa saya rasa macam saya yang jahat ni sekarang. Kenapa si gurangak macam serious pula. Why everything turn into something that i did not even imagined before. This wedding is real." Saya mengerutkan dahi saya.

Pagi itu saya terjaga dan baru tersedar yang saya terlena di sofa ruang tamu. Tv di hadapan saya masih terpasang dan saya bangun lalu mengeliat kecil.
"Hmmm. Another morning.. "saya membungkamkan wajah di sofa. Saya memerhatikan lantai yang kosong. Telefon saya berdering lagi.
🎧🎧🎧Bad Things- camila Cabello🎧🎧

"Ya.. whisbley.." jawab saya.
"Hey. This is tania.. are you okay? " suara tania kakak saya kedengaran. Saya hanya diam.
"Ya.. am okay." Jawab saya perlahan dengan suara pagi yang masih serak.
"Whisbley call me and said that you were alone at the condo.. you want me to come over.."
"No. Its okay. I think i need to some activities today.. for myself so i did not feel boring anymore."
"Good to know. How about whisbley?did he treat you good?"
"Ya. He was good."
"Did you guys do it?"
"Do what?"
"The things we called as "me inside you and you inside me"??"
"Im talking about seks your newbie bride!" Kata tania. Saya mengeleng.
"Nope! I dont want to do it." Jawab saya. Tania tertawa.
"Why? Whisbley was such a man. Uhhhhh.. i can imagined him.." tania tertawa sendiri.
" you want me to call your husband!"
"Shut up im just joking. Jadi bila si whisbley balik?"
"Next day.. after today.. maybe.."
"Hmm.. i can only say this to you, good luck Tanny. And if you ever do it..make sure you do it right. Okay.bye." Tania menutup talian. Saya mencebik. Saya bangun dan masuk kebilik. Saya mengambil tuala mandi dan masuk kebilik mandi.

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