Chapter 21

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A MILLION REASON By Hayley Dawn Harper
Chapter 21: ABOUT ME THE REAL ME( And Another life)

Kereta yang dipandu oleh whisbley tiba di hadapan perkarangan Rumah Agam Harper Point. Masih ada ramai kawan kawan wallance yang berada di situ dan mereka hanya memandang ke arah whisbley dan saya ketika kami keluar dari perut kereta.
"Everything fine?"tanya mereka. Dengan keadaan diri yang tampak sungguh mengerunkan. Dengan kesan wajah yang luka luka dan baju yang sudah berubah menjadi comot. Saya hanya memerhatikan mereka.
"Ya. Monster pete won't stay still.. he will fight back for sure." Kata whisbley. Mereka hanya mengangkuk.
"I guess we need to prepare more people.. This time monster Pete look very determined to over take this place."
"He think he had Venture on his side."kata whisbley.
"Did you made out with Leggy?!"
"Ya. He save my wife and me.. i thought i would die."
"Venture could be a little naughty sometimes but i know he wasn't that bad. "
"Ya. I wonder why i keep avoiding him all this time.. such a miserable day. "
"Thats life. "
Saya dan whisbley hanya diam.
"We lost our Brother.. Dorian! And he cannot make it. " kata mereka lagi. Whisbley mengeluh kecil.
" i will talk to his family." Kata whisbley. Mereka hanya diam.
" we will talk again later on.. wallance will come later with venture.. just be ready if anything happen again." Kata whisbley.
"Okay." Kata mereka. Whisbley membawa saya masuk ke dalam.
"Someone die today?" Tanya saya. Whisbley hanya mengangkuk.
" another brother." Jawab whisbley.
"Lets go clean yourself.. you need to rest.. your face is swollen." Kata saya. Whisbley hanya tersenyum. Kami berdua berjalan bersama menuju ke bilik whisbley.

Selepas mandi, saya membantu whisbley membersihkan sedikit luka di tangannya. Menyapu sedikit ubat di kawasan lebam di wajahnya dan dia asyik tersenyum melihat saya.
"Why?something going on?" Kata saya. Whisbley hanya mengeleng.
"You and venture talking about weird stuff just now.. about me? "Tanya saya.
" I think he just accidentally found out his little sister that he lost a fews years ago.." kata whisbley.
" Who? Is it me?"kata saya tertawa. Whisbley juga ikut tertawa.
" you still dont know anything dont you?" Whisbley membawa saya duduk di sofa dan dia menyandarkan saya di dadanya.
" Do you believe in a thing call Destiny?"
" like what happen to us?"
" ya.. but this is between you and Venture..its really interesting acctually. I almost did not believe it.. "
"About what.. ?" Tanya saya. Whisbley hanya diam.
"I think venture will tell you about it later on. "Kata whisbley. Saya hanya diam.

Pintu bilik diketuk tiba tiba. Saya dan whisbley bangun dari sofa dan dia membuka pintu perlahan.
"Mr. Harper.. Wallance was looking for you.. venture was there too.." kata seorang bodyguard. Whisbley hanya mengangkuk dan dia membawa saya keluar dari bilik itu. Kami berjalan ke tingkat bawah dan berjalan menuju ke sebuah bilik tempat mereka selalu melakukan perjumpaan. Kami masuk ke dalam bilik itu dan saya melihat kawan kawan wallance juga berada di situ. Tangan wallance sedikit mempunyai kesan luka dan dahinya juga seperti mempunyai sedikit luka. Saya mengeleng. Dia menoleh ke arah whisbley dan mereka saling berpandangan.

"Sorry am late.." venture baru tiba dan dia mengangkat tangannya dan terus mencari kerusi untuk duduk. Mereka semua duduk dan whisbley membawa saya duduk. Kini mereka semua berada di dalam bilik itu. Semua duduk dan saling berpandangan sesama sendiri. DengAn keadaan diri yang agak kusut. Venture hanya ada sedikit luka dia tangannya. Dia merenung saya dan tersengih.
"We lost Dorian Today. We will visit his family tomorow. " kata wallance. Mereka semua hanya diam.
"I will destroy Monster and He will pay for this.. he killed my parents.. and.. "wallance diam sejenak. Venture mengaru kepalanya. Keadaan menjadi hening seketika. Saya hanya diam. Wallance nampak sungguh tertekan.

"We need to think about Monster pete. He is not an easy target. He is a conglomerat. He own very big dealer market... clean and black market.. he have it all.. how are we going to destroy him." Kata venture. Mereka semua hanya diam.
"Wish!" Venture memanggil whisbley. Whisbley mengangkat wajahnya.
" you're so close with the upper people. Only you have the clean name between All the loans shark. You can persuade them to do something on this.." kata venture.
"I can do that.. but we need a let them know that he is doing worst than black market." Kata whisbley.
"We can work on that.."
"Its not easy. He keep his business safe in his building. How are we going to go inside the building. "
"He trust You so much dont you?!"kata whisbley kepada venture.
"But i did not kill you? "Kata venture. Mereka tertawa.
"We can make something on that.. ?"
"Like what?"kata venture.
"Tell him wallance save me.. and you need his help to destroy Harper point.. he is so into this place.. he will listen to anything you say to him."kata whisbley. Mereka semua tersenyum.
"Arent you the great dealer.. why dont you sacrifice yourself." Kata venture.
" i am a great dealer .. but you're good at sneaking out, gambling, lying, backstabing.. everything"kata whisbley. Mereka tertawa. Venture mengaru kepala.
"Fuck! I never know i am this famous among the people. "Kata venture.
"You steal my woman too."kata salah satu kawan wallance.
"I did??"venture membuat muka tidak bersalah.
" but.. they come to me? I cannot resist beautiful things guys. I just want to have fun." Kata venture.
Dia merenung saya. Dan menghenyit matanya. Whisbley menghuman pen ke arah venture.
" stop staring at her!!" Kata whisbley.
" why not? She is my sister.. everyone???" Venture bangun dari kerusi. Mereka semua memandang ke arah venture. Dia berdiri di atas meja dan membuka bajunya.
"Come on! This is not a time for showing some abs!!"'kata mereka.
"Hey look at my back. My scar." Kata venture.
" we have that too.. just a different kind of scar." Kata mereka semua.
" You have thats scar too.. ?" Tanya saya kepada whisbley. Dia mengangkat bahu.
" Did you ever saw anything weird in my body?" Tanya whisbley semula.
"No.. i did not watch it carefully. I focus on different things." Jawab saya. Whisbley tertawa.
"But.. this is weird.. i got my scar too.. maybe i m a gangster's kids too.. ?" Kata saya.
"Tanny.. look at my back.. "kata venture.
"I already see it.."jawab saya.
"Open your clothes."kata venture. Mereka semua menoleh ke arah saya. Saya bersembunyi di belakang whisbley. Wallance merenung saya.
"Why?"kata saya.
"Just open it.. "kata venture. Whisbley bangun dari kerusi dan dia menarik saya dalam dakapannya. Dia menaikkan baju saya sedikit dan mereka semua memandang ke arah saya.
"Holy Grail! Thats scar. She is your fucking lost sister venture!" Kata mereka semua.
"Is that real scar?!" Kata mereka lagi.
"I saw it first.. and i feel something so fishy about this too." kata whisbley.
"I remember her when your mom always carry her around.. maybe she was only 2 years old at that time." Kata wallance.
"How did you guys find out. She could be in danger because of this."kata mereka.
" what is it about?"tanya saya. Whisbley menurunkan baju saya.
"Tanny.. i know this is something so weird to you..but you need to know the truth?"kata whisbley.
"Where have she been?how did she end up marrying you?"kata salah satu kawan wallance.
"My parents lost to venture..and they sell me to him.and whisbley paid for me." Jawab saya. Mereka semua diam.
"Thug life.."kata mereka. Saya hanya diam.
"I think she is too confused with this. Let's her talk to venture privately.." kata wallance. Whisbley memeluk saya.
"Its okay. I think i need time to tell everything to her. Not now. We need to fix all this mess first I guess." Kata venture. Mereka hanya memerhatikan saya.
"Its late .. i think we all need some rest.. we never know what happen next but we will be ready." Kata wallance. Mereka semua mengangkuk.
"Lets go sleep." Kata whisbley memaut bahu saya dan kami meninggalkan bilik itu.
"Goodnight Tanny." Kata venture menarik tangan saya dan dia memeluk saya. Whisbley hanya diam. Saya seperti dapat memahami semua itu namun saya hanya diam. Dan saya hanya perlu tahu dan mengesahkan semuanya dari mommy dan daddy dahulu.
" I will take care of you too. So Don't worry." Kata venture lagi. Dan dia berlalu pergi. Whisbley tersenyum dan dia membawa saya pergi dari situ juga.
" Is he really my brother. Why they keep saying that. Why did whisbley did not get jelous anymore." Saya menutup mata perlahan dan mendiamkan diri.
"I will ask tania tommorow."bisik hati saya. Saya memusingkan badan dan memandang whisbley. Dia sudah terlelap. Saya tersenyum. Dia membuka matanya.
"Cannot sleep?" Tanya whisbley.saya hanya diam.
"What is it?" Kata whisbley lagi.
"I think i need to go back home and ask my parents about me."
"But its dangerous for you. You know they are after you now. "
"Its okay. I will call Tania about it." Kata saya. Saya menutup mata. Whisbley memeluk saya.
" Nothing will change. Okay." Kata whisbley. Saya hanya mengangkuk dan menutup mata saya semula.

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