Chapter 26

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A MILLION REASON By Hayley Dawn Harper
CHAPTER 26: Don't forget to Have some Fun


Kami semua hanya memerhatikan Pete Ransom dengan wajah penuh rasa benci. Saya menoleh ke arah seorang gadis yang juga diikat bersama sama kami. Wajahnya hanya tenang. Dia juga menoleh ke arah saya dan tersenyum.
"Who are you?"tanya saya.
"Haylee.." jawabnya.
"Kenapa tu orang tua tangkap kau juga?"
"Uhh thats my father." Jawab Haylee. Saya mengeleng.
"Your father??your father ties you like this?"
"Hm. Because i hate him." Jawab haylee.
"Blood connection problem?"tanya saya kepad gadis itu.
"Ya. Mcm tu la tu.. my daddy is not my favorite things like some other girls in the world." Jawab haylee. Saya hanya tersengih. Saya menoleh pula ke arah whisbley. Dia masih merenung saya dengan wajah penuh risau. Venture hanya mendiamkan diri.
"Are you okay?" Tanya whisbley. Saya hanya tersenyum.
"Im okay. Don't worry. We need to think.. macam mana kita boleh keluar dari ni tempat. Sebelum tu orang tua semakin gila." Jawab saya.
"What the option we can do." Kata venture.

Pete ransom memerhatikan kami berbicara sesama sendiri. Dia hanya mengeleng dan sesekali dia menoleh ke arah Haylee.
"You got Something to tell me Sweetie?"tanya pete ransom kepada Haylee.
"No. " jawab haylee.
"You know that i will not do anything bad to you. You still my daughter."
"So let me go. I want to go sleep." Jawab Haylee. Pete ransom tertawa.
"How about make some deal with me?"
"What you want?"
"My friend keep asking me.. when was the right time for him to make you his wife?"
"Me? " Haylee membuat muka bodoh di hadapan pete ransom.
"Yes you. I don't have any other daughter."
"I am not your daughter. What kind of father ties his own daughter like this."jawab Haylee. Pete Ransom mengeluh kecil. Haylee memandang saya.
"Let me go. And i will listen to every word you say." Kata Haylee lagi.
"Are you serious?" Kata pete ransom.
"Yes. I dont want to die like this." Kata Haylee. Pete ransom tertawa.
"Let her go.." kata pete ransom. Orang orang bawahannnya melepaskan ikatan Haylee. Haylee sempat menoleh ke arah Tanny dan dia tersenyum. Haylee keluar dari bilik itu dan kini hanya ada kami bertiga. Pete Ransom bangun dari kerusinya dan keluar dari bilik itu. Tommy duduk di kerusi dan dia memerhatikan kami satu persatu.
"Which one of you will die first?"katanya. Saya hanya diam.
"I hope its not you.." kata venture.
" look who is talking.. " kata tommy. Saya dan whisbley saling berpandangan dan Tommy tertawa.
"You want me to ties you guys together?" Tanya tommy.
"Don't touch her.. " kata whisbley. Tommy bangun dari kerusi dan melangkah ke arah kami berdua.
"This kids is nothing to me." Kata tommy menolak kepala saya. Whisbley merenungnya tajam.
"You really want money so much!! You can ask me.. i will give it you.. " kata whisbley. Tommy tersenyum.
" how about Harper point.. can you give it to me too?"
"Take it if you want. "Kata whisbley. Tommy tertawa.
"But wallance still outside there. We dont know what he will do next.."
"He will kill you and everyone who connected to you.. if he know something bad happen to us." Kata whisbley. Tommy diam.
"Your parents. Your sister. Her husband. Her kids. He will kill them all. So, kill me if you want." Kata whsibley. Tommy menarik baju whisbley.
" be careful with your words." Kata Tommy. Whisbley hanya memandang Tommy.
" You can kill the people that i love.. why we cannot kill yours?" Jawab whisbley. Saya hanya diam.
" My parents take care of Tanny.. you know that?"
"And i save your parents once.!" Jawab whsibley. Tommy melepaskan tangannya.
"He is just a loser who got nothing to do." Kata venture kepada Tommy. Tommy beralih pula kearah Venture. Dia menarik baju Venture.
"I should kill your sister when i had a chance." Kata Tommy. Venture merenungnya tajam.
"Touched her and my people will haunted you and all your family." Kata venture. Tommy mendengus. Dia keluar dari bilik itu. Kami bertiga saling berpdandangan.
"Now what.. where is wallance." Tanya saya.
"I think he is outside now. " kata whisbley.

Haylee keluar dari biliknya dan perlahan lahan mencari jalan keluar dari tingkat 10 menuju ke tingkat bawah. Dia menuruni anak tangga perlahan dan bersembunyi jika perlu sekiranya melihat kelibat bodyguard yang sedang berjaga di setiap pelusuk bangunan itu.
"I need to do this." Bisik hati Haylee. Dia menuruni anak tangga lagi. Dengan langkah berhati hati.

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