Chapter 28 FINAL

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A MILLION REASON By Hayley Dawn Harper
CHAPTER 28: THE CHOICE (Life or Dead)


Whisbley menoleh ke belakangnya. Dia memeluk Tanny erat. Dua orang bawahan pete ransom tersungkur jatuh dan tembakan Tanny tepat di dada dan kepala mereka. Tanny melepaskan pistolnya. Whisbley mengusap bahu Tanny.
"Its okay. Its okay."whisbley menenangkan Tanny.
"Did i just killed them??" Kata Tannya. Whisbley mengambil pistol di tangan tanny dan membawa tannya pergi dari situ. Venture hanya memerhatikan wajah tanny yang masih terkejut. Haylee hanya diam di dalam pelukan venture.
"Oh Gosh!!"Haylee membungkamkan wajahnya di dada Venture.
"Bang!!"venture cuba mengejutkan Haylee. Haylee memukul venture. Dan venture tertawa.
"My sister is a gangster.. you dont know about her yet?? I bet now you already know her.. thats why i love her." Kata venture. Whisbley mengeleng.
"Lets go out from this place. I think i heard the police downstair." Kata whisbley. Dia masih memeluk saya dan kami masuk ke dalam lift bersama sama.
"Where did you guys go?"tanya venture kepada kami. Saya dan Haylee saling berpandangan dan tertawa.
"What?!" Kata whisbley. Kami mengeleng.
"What with the two of you.?"kata venture. Saya dan Haylee tertawa.
"What so funny? Honey?"whisbley memaut dagu saya. Diam merenung saya dan saya hanya diam.
" I will tell you later. But we had found something so good there.." jawab saya.
"There? You guys go somewhere that i didn't know?" Tanya whisbley.
"I think i know what happen." Kata venture. Haylee mengeluarkan sesuatu dari bagnya.
"The picture of fake money's factory and a few room that hiding a few girls.. i got it all." Kata Haylee. Whisbley memerhatikan gambar itu. Venture hanya mengangkuk.
"Thats nice. Your father will end up in prison because of that." Kata Venture.
"I know he is such a shit ass people."jawab Haylee.

Ting!!pintu lift terbuka. Kami berempat keluar dari pintu lift. Kami memerhatikan kawan kawan wallance yang sedang menunggu kami dan mereka mengangkat tangan ke arah whisbley. Saya memerhatikan juga orang orang bawahan pete ransom yang bertempiaran di kawasan itu. Semuanya dalam keadaan luka parah.
"Thank you brother. You give did so well today. There is a big party at Harper point soon.. we will let you guys know." Kata whisbley. Mereka hanya mengangkuk.
"We need to go wish! The police is here.. and we want to remain as silent brother.. next time we will do this again.its fun." Kata salah satu daripada mereka. Menyimpan samurai di belakang mereka dan mereka membawa orang bawahan meraka pergi dari situ. Pihak polis sudah memasuki kawasan itu.
"Where is wallance?" Kata venture. Whisbley hanya diam.
"Maybe he got soke bussiness to do with Pete.. i hope he did not kill your father yet HAylee.. my brother is different from me. He ain't scared to kill anyone. "Kata whsibley. Haylee hanya diam.

"Mr. Harper?"suara itu membuat kami semua menoleh dan beberapa orang lelaki separuh usia berpakaian kemas mendekati whisbley.
"Oh hi sir.. "kata whisbley. Tersenyum. Mereka mengelenh melihat keadaan whisbley.
"Did pete do this to you.."kata mereka .whishley hanya tertawa kecil.
"Thank you for letting us now about his wrong doing. The police will take care of everything now." Kata mereka. Barisan ahli konglomerat hanya memandang kami semua.
"Ahh yes Sir. Here.. this is some evidence that you guys need to put pete inside the jail."kata whisbley. Memberikan gambar gambar kegiatan haram yang dilakukan oleh pete ransom.
"He do this inside this building!and nobody know the place??"
"Its was underground this building.. if the police want to do some investigation, you need to use the speacial lift to go there." Kata venture.
"Okay. I can handle this. My people will handle this. "Kata lelaki itu lagi.
"Use that way.." venture mengacu jarinya ke arah Heaven's tube. Beberapa orang pegawai mengorak langkah ketempat itu.

Ting!!bunyi lift berbunyi. Pintu lift terbuka dan wallance mengheret pete ransom keluar dari dalam lift. Kami semua menoleh ke arahnya.
"Ohh fuck!"venture mengaru kepalanya. Haylee hanya diam. Keadaan pete ransom yang Sangat memilukan.
"He is not dead yet!i jusa give him a few lesson. He take away everything from me but i want him suffer about his wrong doing for the rest of his life!"jerit wallance. Dia menolak pete ransom kepada pihak polis. Ahli konglomerat hanya mengeleng melihat pete Ransom.
"Do not hurts a ganster heart.. or you will end up like him."kata salah satu daripada mereka.
"Ohh. So scary." Kata mereka menutup mata.

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