Chapter 19

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A MILLION REASON By Hayley Dawn Harper

CHAPTER 19: BANG!BANG! Harper point under attack!

Saya menarik whisbley ke tepi dan menolak VENTURE jauh. Mereka berdua masih berbalas renungan tajam. Whisbley menghumban pistol venture.
"Can you please stay away from my bubble?!stay away from me. My wife. My life. My bussiness. Everything!"jerit whisbley.
"You won't marry her if I don't agreed with the deal." Kata venture tersengih.
"So what!she is my wife now. What can you do!just stare at her. Imagined her. But you cannot get what you want. " kata whisbley. Saya mengeleng.
"At least i can.. "jawab venture tertawa. Whisbley menarik anak baju venture.
"But she is still mine. Not yours. Go fuck yourself!" Kata whisbley.
" stop that whisbley! Lets go back. Both of you keep fighting over nothing okay. Nothing!!" Jerit saya. Whisbley merenung saya tajam dan dia menarik tangan saya dan membawa saya masuk ke dalam kereta.
"Bye Tanny.. you did well today." Jerit venture. Dia menghenyit matanya. Saya hanya merenung ke arahnya tanpa berkedip.
"Call me if anything happen." Saya dapat menangkap pergerakan mulut venture kepada saya. Saya hanya mengangkuk. Dan menoleh kepada whisbley. Saya tidak memberitahu whsibley, Venture ada memberikan saya contact nombornya. Maybe!just in case! I can feel something good in him.

"Jajal juga kau ah!sama lah kamu tu. Yang satu gurangak!kau gunsangal! " bisik hati saya. Whisbely membawa kereta meninggalkan kawasan itu. Wajahnya masih nampak marah. Saya hanya diam.
"Going home?Bird nest?"tanya saya. Whisbley hanya diam.
"Hmm." Jawab whisbley. Seperti masih tidak berpuas hati. Dia memandu kereta seperti kami berada di dalam suatu pertandingan bagi kereta paling terpantas di dunia. Dia tidak menoleh ke arah saya. Matanya hanya tertumpu kepada jalan di hadapan. Saya juga diam.

Kami tiba di Condo Bird Nest dan Whisbley terus mAsuk ke dalam bilik. Dia tidak bercakap sepatah perkataan dengan saya. Saya masuk ke dalam bilik dan masuk ke bilik mandi. Selepas mandi saya keluar dari bilik dan mencari whisbley. Saya masuk ke dalam biliknya dan melihat dia sedang melukis lagi. Dia tidak mempedulikan saya. Saya mendekatinya perlahan dan mengurut bahu whisbley perlahan. Dia hanya diam.
"Are you okay?" Tanya saya. Whisbley hanya diam.
"Wiwish?" Saya memeluk whisbley. Dia menyimpan berus warna dan bangun dari kerusinya. Dia merenung saya dan dia mengucup dahi saya. Dan dia berpaling. Berjalan keluar dari bilik. Saya mengekori whisbley. Dia berjalan ke arah dapur dan mengambil segelas air. Dia
Minum dan saya berdiri di hadapannya.
"Why?anything wrong? I thought we won a lots today." Kata saya. Whisbley hanya merenung saya.
"What with that eyes?!"
"Go to sleep." Kata whisbley. Masih tidak mahu mempedulikan saya. Saya mencebik.
"You mad at me?now? For what reason?" Tanya saya. Whisbley menyimpan gelas di singki. Dia terus berjalan namun saya menyakat langkah kakinya.
" wiwish?!"
"What happen?!"tanya saya lagi.
"You mad at me?"tanya saya. Whisbley memaut wajah saya. Dia merenung saya tajam.
"I hate it so much when he keep staring at you! I hate it. "Kata whisbley.
"Thats not my fault okay." Jawab saya. Whisbley mengucup saya.
"Ya it's your faults. With this face.. this body.. he keep staring at you.. and i hate that!!" Jerit whisbley.
"Come on! Whisbley.. This is childish. You mad at me because.. fuck.. i am your fucking wife.. ?!" Jawab saya. Whisbley menolak saya dan dia melepaskan ikatan rambut saya.
"And i'm fucking hate it when they keep looking at you.. you' re mine.. this hair. This face.. your neck. Your eyes.. your nose.. your lips.."whisbley mengangkat saya keatas dining table. Dia mengucup saya. Roughly.
"Whats with my hubby today!period!" Saya hanya diam. Whisbley mengucup saya tanpa berhenti. Sesaat dia membiarkan saya bernafas dan mengucup saya lagi.

(18sx in english)🔞🔞🔞

He wrapped his hand on my neck. Keep kissing me on my neck. He bite me.whats! His hand pulled my chlotes and what left now is my laces bra and my underwear. Okay whisbley! You're being jelous.
"Calm down.. " kata saya. Whisbley merenung saya tajam.
"Don't try to stop me. You're mine! Everything you have is mine!" Kata whisbley.
"Calm.." whisbley bite my lips. And i cannot talk anymore. His hand was touching my boobies. He open my bra and His lips was playing with the Nippie. Roughly touch them and squeeze them.
"Crazy!" Bisik saya. Whisbley kiss me again. And he pulled my underwear and he open his zipper. He open my leg a little and he pushed me a little. He put his Penini inside of me and i pulled his hair.
"I just want to love you more! " bisik whisbley. Dia hanya merenung saya ketika saya hanya diam menikmati semua sentuhan darinya.
" can you feel it.. i don't want anyone imagined this.. how i feel this with you.!" Kata whisbley. Whisbley merapatkan dahinya di dahi saya. Kami saling berpandangan dan bibir kami mengetap bibir masing masing. Hmmm.

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