Father! Mihawk x Mother! Reader

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You hear the wails of your 1-year-old baby girl, (G/n), from down the hall, you walked down the hall of the castle to your daughter's room. You peered into the room to see a sight that you don't like seeing, it was your daughter with her arms stretched out, her face lightly red and tears streaming down her eyes. "Hey, hey. It's alright~ I'm here sweetheart~"You cooed to her as you switched on the light, her room immediately becoming much lighter, you walked over to her and picked her up as you hummed your favourite song, the song your father loved, also the song your daughter now loves, she immediately smiles and giggles at the song. Her cries die down as she listens to your humming, you looked around the room as you see her favourite toy and a toy ship.


You picked up the toys as you sat her down, she crossed her legs and watched you as you picked up the toys. You sat in front of her, with the Ship in one hand and her favourite toy in your other hand. Luckily Mihawk wasn't in and no one else was in either, so you could sing loudly if you wanted.

"Yo-hohoho, Yo-ho-ho-ho.
Yo-hohoho, Yo-Ho-ho-ho.
Yo-hohoho, Yo-ho-ho-ho.
Yo-hohoho, Yo-ho-ho-ho."

You sung lightly and instantly a smile came to (G/n) Face, as you saw her smile you smiled back.

"Gather up all of the grew, it's time to ship out Bink's brew!
Sea-wind blows, To where? Who knows?
The waves will be our Gide!"

She started clapping along with giggling.

"0'er across the oceans tide, Rays of sunshine far and wide!
Birds the sing, of cheerful things, In circles passing by!
Bid farewell to Weaver's town, Say so long to port renowned."

You grabbed her favourite toy, which was a stuff teddy and you made it wave along with making a sad face.

"Sing a song, It won't be long, Before we're casting off!
Cross the gold and silver seas, A salty spray puts us at ease.
Day and night, To our delight, the voyage never ends!"

You placed the bear on the ship and rocked the ship as (G/n) Continued on giggling while clapping her hands together. She reminded you of your father, Yorki, sadly, he went to sea and got ill, you've heard rumours about someone from your Father's crew running around but apparently he was a skeleton. So you refused to believe it.

"Gather up all of the crew, It's time to ship out Bink's Brew!
Pirates we, Eternally, Are challenging the sea!
With the waves to rest our heads, ship beneath us as our beds.
Hoisted high, Upon the sky, The Jolly Roger flies!"

You raised the toy ship above your daughter and her eyes sparkled in delight, along with a squeal and then a giggle.

"Somewhere in the endless sky, Stormy winds are blowing wide.
Waves are dancing, Evening comes, it's time to sound the drums!
But steady men, and never fear, Tomorrow skies are always clear.
So pound your feet, and clap your hands, Till sunny days return!"

You held up the bear and started clapping the bears hands together as she kept clapping her hands.

"Yo-hohoho, Yo-ho-ho-ho.
Yo-hohoho, Yo-ho-ho-ho.
Yo-hohoho, Yo-ho-ho-ho.
Yo-hohoho, Yo-ho-ho-ho!"

Her giggled kept coming, bouncing off every wall as you smiled and handed her the bear then pulled her close to you as you sang softly.

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