[Ace x Half Fox! Reader]

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I heard this song and thought it would fit perfectly for this Oneshot. Also, Sorry! I do way too many of these! it's just that they're waaaaay to fun to do! 1 down, 2 more to go. I should get them done soon. I'm off school for a couple days. That'll give me time. Sorry that it's taking so long.

Requested By: Hissriss132

(S/n) = Son's name.
(O/S/n) = Older Son's name

Anyway, enjoy~!


Our house sat on top of the hill, staring out to the ocean. I specifically chose this house so I'd be able to see when Ace returns and because you have a great view, as well as the ocean calms me. Like, it's my trustworthy friend, even though it has done nothing. Every time Ace returns, I feel myself trusting it more and more each time. Even though I'm terrified of it!

I sat in my son's room, staring out into the Ocean again for like the 3rd time that day. I had two children, (S/n), he was four and (O/S/n), he was twelve. (O/S/n) was busy outside playing with his friends and my other child was out with him. He always get's excited when (O/S/n) gets ready to go out and (O/S/n) doesn't mind taking him out. I don't necessarily mind either, gives me time to myself and lets those two bond. Plus, (O/S/n) is an excellent big brother. 

My youngest has my hair colour, (H/c) and Ace's eyes. He also has my fox genes and holy crap it's adorable! I forgot how adorable it can be! My oldest, he has Ace's hair colour and my eye colour, (E/c). Once again, he also has my fox genes. Sadly, he doesn't have the tail, he only has the ears. It's still adorable. Although, my youngest has both the ears and tail. But the colour of their ears isn't the same. (S/n) has the same colour ears that match his hair the same for his tail. But (O/S/n) has my hair colour for his ears. It's so weird but absolutely adorable.

Ace is usually out for a couple months and then returns, but it's been longer than usual and I don't want to doubt the ocean, even though that sounds stupid. To put my trust in something that probably has nothing to do with him returning and to put my trust in something that I'm terrified of.

I keep staring out the window, humming to myself, not even hearing the door open. "Mother?" I heard my twelve-year-old say, I blink a little before looking over at him smiling. My four year old came running over as I stood up, his hands in the air before he reached my leg and hugged it. His tail swaying side to side.

"Welcome back. Are you both hungry?" I asked as I lifted (S/n) and walked out the door, putting an arm around (O/S/n) back. They smiled as my twelve-year-old ran down to the kitchen. I'll take that as a yes!

When we reached the kitchen, I placed my four-year-old in a chair and began to make them something to eat. "So? Anything to tell me?" I asked, a slight smirk on my face. I always say this because something always happens when they are away out. I also say it because it sounds like I already know, which makes them tell me. Although, even if I didn't say that, they'd probably tell me anyway.

"(S/n) accidentally pushed me into the water..." My twelve-year-old said as he sighed afterwards, but I heard him chuckle lightly. I couldn't help but smile. "Did he apologise?" I asked him, looking over my shoulder. My four-year-old had a worried and saddened expression on his face as he looked at his older brother as well as his ears were flat, letting me know he felt guilty. Good to know I didn't raise my kids as troublemakers.

"Of course. He didn't mean it. He started crying and would stop hugging my leg." (O/S/n) said as he laughed as ruffled his little brother's hair, giving him a comforting smile.

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