Chapter 3: Demi Lovato

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"Guys, I'm gonna go for a cup of coffee! You want anything?" I say to my crew as I walk backwards to the door, looking at my crew.

They all shook their heads and smile at me. I smile back and walk out of the studio. Walking to a coffee shop near by, I started remembering the fucking prick of a dick that fucking prince who is fucking marrying me.

I fucking hate him so much.

My manager, who I hate very much, force me into marrying a prick of a prince because it will "look good in the media" or whatever the hell that means.

So, I met the prick yesterday right?

Well, not the kind of guy I thought of him to be.

I thought he'll be a nice, sweet prince from a foreign country. You know a complete gentlemen who respects anyone right?

Nah, he is a preverted prince who is just using me to get in my pants and for the popularity.

My manager and the king, the father of the prick, thinks that it will help his country becomes allies with America and thinks that I would look good with a prince for the media.

I never agreed on it, but since he could do anything with me and it doesn't say in the contract that he can force me into something I don't want.

When I heard he engaged me with that prince, I couldn't believe it and was about to fire him but then he threaten to make me from a famous singer to someone asking for money in the streets.

I couldn't believe that shit.

So I'm force to marry that prick who I hate very much and can't tell anyone.

The only people who know is me, my manager, the king and the fucking prince.

And the wedding is in 3 months.

I don't want to get married with that prince.

I want to get married with someone who loves me as I do to them, be there for me, be my rock, doesn't care what the media will say about us, respect me and will not use me for something and yeah, not force me into anything.

But a girl can dream, can't she?

Suddenly, my phone start to ring and I saw that it was my manager. I groan internally but pick it up anyways.

"What the hell do you want?" I say to him, not wanting to talk to him now.

"Ahhh! You know I could make you go from famous to in the streets by the snap of my fingers. Now, how do you greet someone?" He says smugly and I know he is smirking. I rolled my eyes but did what he say.

"Hello, David. How are you?" I say in a high pitch voice.

"I'm good Demi, listen later today your going to have to meet the prince for a date. I have send you all the details, have fun on your date!" He says and hangs up, leaving me with a scowl on my face.

I stuff my phone back in my pocket and cross the street, not noticing a car coming at me.

Suddenly, I was tackle to the ground and heard screeching tires. We groan in pain and saw that we weren't killed, since the car didn't hit us. I felt arms grab me and a voice saying,

"What the fuck?!" I had hair in my face and I was trying to blow it away.

"What do you mean 'what the fuck'?! I was walking here!" I say to her and they help me up.

"Holy shit," Another voice says on my right and I glance at her through my hair but she also had hair in her face.

"Sorry, I was pretty tired and wasn't looking where I was going." She says and helps the girl who tackle me up.

"It's okay, I didn't notice your car at first. Thanks for the tackle though," I said and stood up, with hair on my face and I dust myself off. I move my hair out of my face and look at them.

We scream.

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