Chapter 28: Italy

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I sigh, packing my clothes into a suitcase.

We were going to Italy today, and I haven't pack yet.

Everyone was ready except me, I didn't pack because I was out kickboxing, letting my anger out.

"Dani! Come on the plane leaves in a hour!" I heard Demi scream as I groan.

You know what? Screw it, I'm just gonna stuff random clothes in here.

So that's what I did, I hauled my suitcase downstairs and met up with Dylan, Demi and Bai.

They grin at me, we said goodbye to our family before getting into the car to take us to the airport.

As we neared our gate, a really hot guy, comes running up to us, more like Demi, and grabs her from the arms before showing her a paper.

"Demi, what is this?! Why are you kissing another man?!" He says and Demi looks shock before her face goes red in anger.

I watch with an eyebrow raised as they talk, more like yell at each other with amusement.

"Okay, man that's enough. We have a flight to get to so I suggest you take your hands of my sis-" I started to say as I neared him, his darken eyes flicker to me.

"I order you to stay away." He says and my brows shot up in surprise. I let go of Bai's hand and walk up to him, pointing to myself.

"You? You order me to stay away? And who are you to order me?" I say and put my hand on my hip with a eyebrow raise. He slowly lets go of Demi and turns to me.

"Do you know who I am?" He says and I stare blankly at him.

"Does it look like I know you?" I say and wave my hand like it was obvious.

"I am Lorenzo Matthews, next in line for the throne of Avalon, and you are?" He says and my mouth opens in a 'o' form.

I look at Demi and point at him. She nods and mouths 'that's him, the prince.' I nod and look back to him, smirking.

"Well I am Rosalinda Marie Montoya Fioré Lovato, princess of Costa Luna." I said and added the Spanish accent while saying it.

I'm so glad I remember that movie.

I pointed to Dylan, Demi and Bai. "They are my sisters, princesses too and the girl is my daughter. We are apart of the royal family." I say and they knew where I was going, they stood next to me. Demi wraps her arm around my shoulder while Dylan grabs Bai and hoist her on her hip.

His face showed shock and surprise. He turns to Demi. "Your a princess?" He asks her and she nods confidently.

"Si, I am a princess but soon to be Queen, our mother is Queen Sophia and she'll be handing the crown to me. I am the oldest." Demi says and he straightens up.

"Now, bow down before us." I ordered and he does, he puts his hand behind his back before bowing.

I smirk while they snicker quietly. "Kiss our feet." I say and he gets down on his knees, kissing each other out feet.

He stands up again before bowing his head. "My honest apologies princesses, I didn't know." He says and I smiled.

"Well, we must be leaving. Our flight to our country is leaving soon so it was nice to meet you your highness." I say and he nods before gesturing to our bags.

"Do you need any help with that?" He asks as we shook our heads, slowly walking backwards to our gate.

I took the hat from his head, his sunglasses too and his nice looking watch. I handed the hat to Dylan while the watch to Demi, I put on the sunglasses.

"These will do." I say and he raises an eyebrow.

"No, that's very nice of you but we have to leave. Goodbye Lorenzo!" Dylan says and we turn around, walking like nothing happen into the private jet.

Once we were inside, we all burst out laughing.

I chuckle, sitting down on the couch with Bai next to me while Demi and Dylan sat across from us.

Demi sobers up, and puts on the watch. "You watch Princess Protection Program?" Demi asks me and I nod, motioning to Bai.

"It's one of her favorite movies, she's a Disney kid and says I was Rosa but I wasn't." I say and Bai giggles beside me.

She smiles. "I played the part as Rosa." She says and Bai nods, smiling.

I put Bai's seatbelt on and put my own as the plane ascends.

We're off to Italy.


We arrive in Italy after a long flight.

We grab our bags and walk to the entrance, a limo was parked outside and we went in. It drives us to a five star hotel.

"Holy shit." I whisper when we walk into the lobby. This place was beautiful.

"We're used to it." Demi and Dylan say in unison and they shrug. I stick my tongue at them and grab Bai's hand. I followed them to our room and once we were in, all me and Bai can say was 'ohh' or 'ahh' or 'wow'.

Dylan giggles behind us. "Guys, we're gonna be here for week so enjoy it." She says and sits against a plouch couch.

"I will." I say and ran to one of the two queen sizes beds. I jump and face planted into the heavenly thing.

"Oh god," I moan into the pillows and cuddle into the bed.

"Chocolate!" I heard Bai squeal happily.

"This is heaven." I say into the pillow and the bed dips beside me. A hand ruffles my hair and I cuddle into their side.

"You know we're part Italian right?" I heard Demi says beside me and I look up at her.

"Really?" I say but the pillow muffle my voice. She nods beside me.

"Yep, we are." She says then Dylan says.

"I speak Italian you know." I look at her through the pillows, surprise.

"What another langauge can you speak?" Demi asks and I look for Bai, she was munching on chocolate happily beside Dylan.

"Spanish and French, my dad made me learn all of those langauges for the buisness." Dylan says, sighing and leans her head against the couch. I look at Demi and she looks back at me. We got up and walk over to her.

"Hey, but he isn't here now huh?" Demi says while I sit next to her, bringing Bai on my lap.

"True." She mumbles and lays her head on Demi's shoulder.

"Let's just forget about everything and enjoy our small vacation." I say and they nod, I close my eyes and rested my chin on Bai's shoulder.

"Where we going tomorrow?"



I am so sorry Dx this was so short, I couldn't think of anything else so I came up with this xD

Haha but next chap will be more longer though :D

Princesses of Costa Luna anyone? :D

Hahaha I had fun writing that xD anyway I'm gonna go.

Later! :P

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