Chapter 30: The Noble Clans

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I sigh, following after Lorenzo to our flight to Avalon.

Everyone knew I was now engaged to Lorenzo, and honestly people freaked out.

I stop walking and turn to my sisters. We were each leaving but this time not with each other. Dani, Bai and Rey were all taking a flight back to Seattle, she said she needed to seattle some things before going back home. Rey decided to go with her and wanted to form a bond with his daughter and Dani again. Dani wouldn't let him touch her just yet. Dylan was taking a flight back to New York to quit her job in her family buisness and to meet Elijah who was going to take over the buisness. Nick wanted to tag along with her.

I was heading to Avalon with Lorenzo, to meet his family and the noble clans.

"I'll see you guys back home," I tell them softly and Lorenzo grabs my hand before tugging onto me softly to our gate.

"Come on Demi, we're gonna be late for our flight." He whispers into my ear and I look back, seeing Nick and Rey dragging my sisters and niece along with them, Dylan and Dani each tried to stop them.

"Wait! I have to tell them something!" I said and tried to turn back for them, but instead Lorenzo wrap his arms around me and drag me with him. I thrash around in his arms, trying to reach my sisters.

"It can wait, you can call them later and tell them." He says a little breathless from dragging me to our gate.

"No! It's important! I have to tell them now!" I said and quickly tried to look for them. I wouldn't be able to see them if Lorenzo kept dragging me.

So, I act quickly and elbow Lorenzo in the jaw before running quickly to my sisters. I'll probably get hell for that.

"Dani! Dylan! Bai! I need to tell you something!" I scream to them but before I could reach them, Lorenzo sweep me off my feet and threw me across his shoulder.

"Then tell me!" They scream back and was about to turn the corner when I yelled.

"I love you!"

Dylan and Dani each escape the boys arms and ran to me. I made Lorenzo let go of me and I ran to them. We were only a few feet away before each guy took us in their arms and started to walk away from each other.

I pounded my fists on Lorenzo's back, wanting to get back to my sisters and niece.

They couldn't answer me back.

I sigh, the tears prickle my eyes as I stop fighting against Lorenzo. He carried me all the way to his private jet.

"I hate you," I mumble to him as he set me down on a seat. He puts my seatbelt on before sitting down across from me.

He sighs. "You can tell them you loved them when you see them again." He says and gets comfortable in his seat.

I curled up in my own seat and look out the window as the plane took off. "But I haven't told them I loved them before," I murmur as I lean my forehead against the window.

"Well you were with them all of your life, you could've-" I cut him off.

"I missed 21 years of their lives and I never knew they exist until recently! Now shut the fuck up and leave me the hell alone, I don't even want to marry you. I didn't even had the chance to tell them I loved them without them saying I love you back." I fire at him and turn away just in time to not see the hurt look that flash across his face. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh as he excuse himself and leaves to the bathroom.

This is gonna be a long flight.

~One Boring Tiring Flight Later~

"Demi, wake up, we're here."

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