Chapter 24: Introducing Them

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"Woah, big stage."

I smile widely at Dani and Dylan as they stare around the area.

It was a huge stage for outside so the sun can beat down on us.

Me and Dani already have one of Dylan's bucket list thing about to cross out.

The color dust war.

And crowd surf.

It's gonna be a lot of fun.

"In a hour or so, they'll be letting everyone in and we'll get ready. I'll sing a few songs and then I'll introduce you guys. Simple as that." I say and turn around, smiling widely at them. Dani returns a excited grin while Dylan looks a little scared.

"Uhm, how many people?" She asks and takes in a breathe, she scratches her arm nervously.

"Five hundred or so." I tell her and her face goes pales. I smile softly at her as I walk over to her, wrap my arm around her shoulder and kiss the side of her head.

"Don't worry babe, me and Dani will be beside you all the time, you won't be alone." I say and she nods, grabbing onto my hand quickly.

"Okay, promise?" She says and looks at the both of us. Dani comes to the other side of her and wrap her arm around her shoulder too.

"Promise." We say in unison before we each kiss one of her cheeks.

She smiles and wraps her arms around our waists, bringing us in a hug.

"You guys are the best," she murmur and I smile.

"Of course, how can we not be?" Dani says sarcastically and I grin.

"Bitch, we're fabulous." And flip my hair sassily. They erupt into laughter and I join them.

For the next hour or so, we hung around until it was time for me to go on stage. As they inform me, I could hear the crowd screaming my name. I smile widely as they handed me a mic and ear piece. As I put my ear piece on, I glance over at Dani and dylan and gave them a thumbs up. I did my usual routine before I was told to get on stage.

I grin widely as I step foot on stage. People scream and cheered as they saw me. I wave and brought the mic to my lips.

"Hey! How's everyone?"

Screams were my respond.

"Good?! Then lets get started!"

Half way through the concert, I stop and sat on a stool, my guitar on my lap. I wipe away some sweat that trickle down my forehead and put my mic on the stand in front of me.

"Okay," I breathe out and smile widely at the crowd. "I'm guessing you guys are a little confused about there being two other girls that look like me, right?" I say into the mic and people scream, obviously wanting to know who they are.

"Well, believe it or not, they are actually my sisters. We're triplets."

At that, everyone went wild.

"Please welcome my sisters! Danielle and Dylan Lovato!" I yell into the mic and look toward the side of the stage, my hand out stretch to it. Dani and Dylan stood there, Dylan looking like she's about to crap her pants while Dani is practically bouncing on her feet. Dani rushes on stage and grins widely at all the people but then notice Dylan wasn't following her. She walks over to her and I watch them with amusement as Dani grabs her legs then throws her over her shoulder before turning around and walk back to me with Dylan pounding on her back.

I chuckle into the mic as Dani sets Dylan down beside me before going to my other side. I wrap my arms around their waists and Dylan immediately trys to hide behind me then bury her head in my neck as Dani just waves at the crowd.

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