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I'll start off every chapter with a picture/gif

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I'll start off every chapter with a picture/gif. Not really pertaining to the story. But just because.

I knock on Tyler's flat door. A few moments later Pete answers the door. I walk right into his arms. Giving him a hug.

"Hey! We're here too!" Tyler says as he walks out of the kitchen area with Ben (Trent Seven) following closely.

Pete smiles as I let go before walking over to Ben and Tyler. I give them both hugs. Not as long as Pete's. But just as meaningful. Pete was my best friend. Hands down. Sure, he was annoying, and he could have a short temper at times. But, we always had the best times together.

"Now, I guess we should give her an update on how everything's been going? Since it's been two and a half weeks." Tyler's states. No traces of annoyance. Just stating facts.

"Pete told me. We were face timing pretty much every day." I say. Tyler and Ben look over at Pete. Pete pretends to not pay attention to their looks. He was pretty used to them. Since out of the 3 of them, I seemed to have made an instant connection with Pete. Pretty much best friends since day 1.

"I tried to talk to you. I called Tyler, and if I'm not mistaken...Tyler, you fell asleep within the first 20 minutes." I say. Tyler opens his mouth, but I start to speak before he can.

"And Ben. When we facetimed you had the happiest, creepiest smile on your face. We spoke about nothing. You seemed happy someone other than your mother or Liz called you." I say. Ben rolls his eyes. Wanting to say something smart. Instead, Tyler does.

"We know you'd rather sleep with Pete, your insults are just covering your tracks." He states, in a slight teasing manor.

"I mean I'd rather sleep with a real man. Than whatever it is you claim to be." I tease. Knowing his remark backfired and he was now slightly annoyed.

"What?Tyler? Are you mad?" I question. That was the one way to win any argument with Tyler. Simply asking if he was mad would set him off, he'd typically go for a walk and blow off steam. It was almost as if you called him out, and he hates it.

"I'm gonna go around the block. I'll be back." Tyler says as he walks right out the door. The second the door slams, I smirk to myself.

"I win," I mumble.

"You really shouldn't be annoying him already. You just got back." Pete advises.

"We're just kidding. He doesn't take the insults to heart. Neither should you." I say.

"Just careful. Okay?" Ben warns. I sit down on the couch.

"What do you know that I don't?" I question.

"Nothing," Ben answers quickly. Almost too quickly. I look at him narrowing my eyes. Trying to see if he's showing any suspicious signs.

"Okay. Well, I've gotta go and see my parents. I told them I'd be home after I stopped here to see you guys." I inform before standing up.

"Don't be like that!" Ben says clearly annoyed.

"Be like what? I told them I was gonna see you guys. Then I'd be home. We can hang out later. I swear." I say. He shrugs.

"We planned on going to the gym. We can pick you up. If you want." Pete suggests.

"Yeah sounds fun," I reply. I then leave the flat and head down the many stairs. Once outside I see Tyler approaching from about half a block away. I wait for him to approach. Taking his time. Obviously hoping to miss me.

"So, I'm going home to see my parents. But I will be going to the gym with you guys later." I inform. He smirks happily.

"Wear something sexy, I hope." He says as he looks back, and up to the front window where his balcony is.

"I could say the same for you," I say with a wink.

"Also, try not to question my manhood. I mean you don't know what you're talking about. I'd be happy to show you sometime." He says with a wink before starting to walk away.

"Hey, Tyler," I call out. He turns his head slightly.

"Never in a million years," I say. I get into the car before driving off. About a 10 minute drive ahead. Since my parents resided in Tipton. I lived with them in my old bedroom/guest bedroom. If I wasn't there, I'd stay with Pete. He never really minded, even though his backache would tell me otherwise because he refused to let me sleep on the couch. I needed to buy myself a house of my own, but that required more money than I'd like to admit I have.

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