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"Hey, can we come to the live event tonight?" Dad asks as I come down the stairs. Holding my gear bag in one hand, and a makeup bag in another with my change of clothes for after the event. My head was still pounding, just as bad as it was when I woke up this morning.

"Uh, yeah. I've just gotta tell Ben that he does not need to pick me up. We all can ride together." I suggest.

"We can just follow you. I'm sure Ben is almost here." Mum replies from in the kitchen,

"That you-" The doorbell rings cutting me off. I open the door and Pete stands there leaning against the door frame.

"Learn to answer your phone." He tells me, Pete being just as hungover as me was in the worst mood possible. The littlest things making him upset right now.

"Me? You guys never texted, or called." I tell him as I look at my phone. Which had no notifications showing up.

"We've been here for 5 minutes. We're running late." Pete tells me. Even though he didn't want to lose his cool over something so minor I felt him snapping any minute and I don't need my parents seeing this. Especially, with this kind of state he was in.

"Okay. I'll be there in a minute." I say to him. He raises his eyebrows. Not buying it.

"Go on. Send me the directions. We will leave in a few minutes." Dad says.

"Okay." I reply grabbing my bags and heading off.

"Pete, so help me if you don't calm down." I remark as I throw my bags in the trunk before sitting in the back where Ben sits. I take it as I send my parents the location we would be at today.

"So, you excited today? Local show, mystery opponents." Ben asks me.

"Hell yeah. It's only 30 minutes away. I can face literally anyone. Right now I'm hoping for Pete." I say. Mumbling the last part.

"Me too sweetheart." Pete replys back. I can feel his eyes rolling. Not out of his head sadly.

"So, I'm gonna go with both of you had a rough night last night?" Tyler questions.

"Rough morning. I wake up to her crying on the bathroom floor." Pete replies annoyed. Ben and Tyler both sniggering at this.


We got to the building where the event is taking place. A few fans were outside. Asking for autographs. Us being no different. I grabbed my bag, and started to sign things whilst I wait for my parents. They pull up a few moments after we did. Mum, Dad and Stephanie all got out.

"Welcome. So, we're late. Which means I can't talk. I've got to get ready. See who I'm facing." I say as Tyler, Ben and Pete all join back up with me. Tyler holds my hand as we walk in.

"So, you guys. Go this way." I point over to where a security guard was standing. Dad and Mum go. Stephanie lingers around. Pete, and Ben head on. Tyler stays with me and Stephanie.

"Don't make me stay with them. Let me stay backstage with you guys." She pleads as Dad and Mum look back at me. Finally realizing Stephanie wasn't with them.

"Babe, go. I'll handle this." I whisper looking over at Tyler. Tyler shrugs. Not moving.

"I'll see you later." I assure. Kissing him on the cheek and handing him my bags.

"You're the best." He replies sarcastically before heading off. I smile.

"Just go with them. I don't need them arguing. Backstage isn't fun." I tell her.

"But I'll behave. Please." She pleads as Mum and Dad wait impatiently.

"Fine." I say with a sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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