The Nickname- Kirino Ranmaru X Reader

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Hana: Sorry for not updating...😅

Kirino: Hi Readers. What a rude way to greet your readers.

Hana: Ah! Gomen. Hi Readers-chan!😅 // why does Kirino sound like rude..//

Kirino: Soo, can we just skip this?

Hana: A-ah...hai..hai


(Y/n)'s POV

My name is (y/f/n). I am (your age) years old. I am just an average teenage girl who live in a normal life. I have a major crush on a grey headed music freak, Shindou Takuto, who is actually dating my best friend, Akane, i didn't even know why I befriend her. And it hurt a lot seeing your crush and your very own best friend acting all lovey-dovey right infront of me, i feel like i want to yell like "GO DO YOUR FUC*ING LOVE THINGS SOMEWHERE PRIVATE, COULD YOU!" but, I can't. I just can't.


"Huh?" I said as I look around wondering what was happening.

"Yeesh, I thought you are dead." My black haired friend, Ryo said as he sigh in relief.

"Hey, what's wrong? You seem down."

"No, it just, my crush on that music freak." I said as I bump my forehead on my wooden table.

"I am glad that I was born as a guy. Girls think to much, move on." He said as he tap his finger on my head a couple times.

"Easy for you to say, you're not in my position." I said as I death glared the innocent child which make him back off a little.

"Okay, I won't say a thing." He said as he pretend to zip his mouth.

"Look, I don't really care if want to date, but all in all my best friend!? And when I want to eat my lunch, the lovebirds will come and start acting all lovey-dovey in front of me, it's disgusting exspecially when it was your crush and your best friend." I said as I look at Ryo with my almost watery eyes.

"Hey, don't cry. I hate seeing you hurt. You know that we somehow connected...I feel like I am your twin you know....when you feel sad...I will feel sad automatically." He said as he stood up and hug my small figure in his arms.

"Thanks Ryo, I really appriciate it." I said and gave him a small and gentle smile.

"Well, that's my gal." He said as he patted my head.


"Ah! It's lunch time." Ryo exclaim and took my hand in his and drag me along the hallways.

"Hey, where are taking me?"

"Let's eat lunch together, like in the kindergarten where I used to feed my bento to you." He said as he grin idioticly at me.

"Yeah, when you nearly choked me by stuffing your bento in my mouth, how cruel...I'm just an innocent and fragile child." I said as I chuckled a bit remembering the moments when I was still young.

"So, let's- he was cut off when I accidentally bump into someone.

"Hey, (y/n) are you okay? It sound like it really hurt." Ryo asked as he help me to stand properly.

"Ouch, my butt." I saud as I look up to apologise since it is my fault talking while daydreaming while walking....for real.

"Ah, I'm sorry, are you okay?" A pink pigtails haired boy as as he look at me with concern.

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