Chapter Two

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"That dumb prince, he's always trying to be heroic, and finally it caught up to him. He's stupid as f—"

"He can hear you, you know!" Princey snapped.

"Anxiety, Roman." Logic scolded. "Would you be so kind as to calm down for a bit? I'm trying to formulate a sufficient plan."

"A plan that we wouldn't have needed if SOMEONE had listened to me! To Logic! To any of us!" I glared at Prince.

"Guys, guys, we're all a little tense under the circumstances, but it would help a lot if we could all just calm down. For now we just need to keep Princey away from spinning wheels." Thomas said.

"It will only prolong the inevitable. He's destined to find one. That's how the curse works. Didn't you guys watch the movie? We could go back home and pretend the whole thing never happened, but the curse will play out eventually. Spinning wheels are rare but not impossible to find. He'll fall under the spell some way or another. It's fate." I explained, letting some of my inner Disney nerd show.

"Well, we just need to find someone Princey's in love with, right?" Morality asked. "Prince, is there anyone you're in love with at the moment?"

"You can't just ask someone that..." I mumbled, but was ignored.

"Uh... No." Prince stared off to the left of him, his eyes fixed on the Disney style green grass. "I'm not in love with anyone."

"Studies show that if one stares to the left of them while speaking, there's a high chance that they're lying and/or hiding something." Logic said.

"Why would he lie about the one thing that could save him?" Thomas asked. "Even if it is a personal question, we're just trying to help him."

"Right." Prince said.

I glared at Prince. He just had to be heroic and so here we are in this mess, struggling to come up with an idea to get out of it.

It's all his fault.

I was just furious with him.

He's so annoying. I hate him so much.

And now he's cursed and we might lose him if we can't figure out a way to break the spell and it's all his dumb fault.

Stupid Prince.

Stupid, stupid Prince.

It's all his fault.

"What if we can't break the curse? He's going to fall asleep eventually, and what if we can't break the curse?" I couldn't bring myself to say the last part.

What if we lose Prince for good?

"That's not going to happen." Thomas said with false confidence. "We're going to break the curse. I know it."

There was a silence.

"What about the whole sixteenth birthday thing?" I asked. "Age and birthdays don't apply to us, cause we were never officially born. We're parts of Thomas. We sort of just... developed."

"That was part of Aurora's curse. Maleficent didn't specify age when she cursed Prince. That means, hypothetically, it could happen at any given time." Logic said.

I felt uneasy.

"So at any given time I could feel drawn to a spinning wheel and fall under the curse?" Princey gulped.

"Hypothetically." Logic nodded.

Everyone felt a bit uneasy by that.

Under The Spell: A Prinxiety FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now