Chapter Six

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It was our first full day back home. Thomas had teleported us back yesterday afternoon.

Prince still wasn't doing too well, but at least he was getting better. He just needed a lot of rest and time to heal.

For some reason, I ended up being Prince's main caretaker yesterday and today. Morality helped a bit, and Logic watched him to make sure he didn't accidentally upset Prince's stomach like last time. Thomas occasionally gave moral support, but for the most part, the three did their own things, and left me with Prince.

I'll admit that I was a bit worried the others will act like something had changed after what had happened with me and Prince.

Look, I just did it to save him.

It didn't mean anything.

"You doing okay, Prince?" I asked Prince, who was lying on the couch, barely awake.

"Yeah. I'm just a bit tired." Prince said.

"Then sleep. I'm not stopping you." I said.

Prince nodded, and closed his eyes. After a moment, his breathing steadied.

He fell asleep fast.

I slipped on my headphones and listened to My Chemical Romance.

"Is Prince asleep?" Came a voice from behind me.

I turned around and saw Logic. I took off my headphones and paused the music. "Yeah, he is."

"Seeing him sleep so serenely sort of gives a sense of deja vu, doesn't it?" Logic pointed out. "Only this time you won't have to kiss him." Logic hesitated. "Unless you wanted to, of course."

"First of all, consent matters." I said. "Second of all, it was one time and I did it to lift the curse. That's it. Can we please stop talking about that?"

"Are you just going to continue to deny your obvious romantic feelings for Prince?" Logic asked. "Is that what you hope to do?"

"I don't know, Logic, are you just going to continue to deny your obvious romantic feelings for Morality?" I returned.

"Touché." Logic said.

"Are you and Morality dating yet?" I asked casually. "I mean, it's obvious you both like each other."

"We're not yet officially dating, no." Logic said. "However, dating and just romantics in general was never my area of specialty."

I looked at Logic. "And yet you feel romantic feelings towards Morality. It goes against what you are, what you stand for... And yet, that much doesn't really matter. I'm pretty much the literal opposite of... all that, but I still feel romantic feelings. For Prince, no less."

"I can tell that you've been pondering this for a while," Logic said.

I nodded. I didn't say anything.

"Are you ever going to tell Prince the truth?" Logic asked.

"Sure, that'll go over well." I said sarcastically. I mocked a cheery voice. "By the way, Prince, the one person you hate the most, you know, the evil one who gives Thomas anxiety? Turns out he has a crazy crush on you and he's the one that broke the curse and then lied about it. No big deal, right?" I laughed in a bitter and sarcastic way.

"Anxiety, it's possible Prince doesn't hate you as much as you think he does." Logic said. "And he doesn't think you're evil. None of us do... Except you."

"Are you sure about that?" I raised an eyebrow. "Have you asked Prince? Cause I'm pretty sure I know his feelings on the matter."

"Look, Anxiety, Prince doesn't hate you." Logic sighed.

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