Chapter Fifteen

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We were searching for what felt like forever before we finally found them.


They came running towards us.

"We were so worried!" Morality said like a parent reunited with their children.

"You should never have left where you were when you were watching the Flynn Rider chase." Thomas said. "Where did you guys go?"

"To find Maximus." Prince said.

"And you let him? No, forget that... You went with him?" Thomas turned to me.

"I didn't see the harm in it! He's a horse!" I said defensively. "And I was there to make sure Prince didn't get himself into trouble."

"You guys both would've gotten yourselves into trouble." Logic said. "You guys weren't seen, were you?"

"No." Prince said. "Only by Maximus."

"And he's a horse. He doesn't count." I said.

"I can't believe you, Anxiety. Weren't you the one worried Prince would get himself into trouble again?" Thomas said.

"It's not his fault." Prince said. "I was the one who convinced him to help me find Maximus."

"I thought it would be okay," I muttered.

"You thought it would be okay?!" Thomas repeated.

"You know what, why are you so mad at us? We didn't get seen! We didn't alter the story! Prince is fine. What's there to be mad about?" I replied defensively.

"'What's there to be mad about?' Are you for real right now, Anxiety? You guys got lost. We couldn't find you for hours. We searched everywhere. We were worried!" Thomas said.

"Well, is it our fault we got lost?" I asked.

"It's your fault cause you went off on your own to find Maximus!" Thomas said.

"We had no way of knowing we would get lost!" I said.

"You never should've gone off on your own!" Thomas said.

"Uh, guys?" Morality's small voice tried to get our attention, but we ignored it.

"So maybe not, but it's too late for that now! And you know what, you don't control what me and Prince do!" I said.

"Guys?" Morality tried again.

"It's sort of important." Prince said.

"What?" I snapped.

I turned around and saw Rapunzel and Flynn off in the distance. They had left the tower, and they were headed our way.

"Oh, no." Thomas said.

"Do you think they heard?" Logic said. "You guys weren't exactly being quiet."

"Dangit, Thomas." I hissed. "Now they're gonna see us."

"Oh, so this is my fault?" Thomas turned to me. "Right, cause I was the only one raising my voice just a second ago. Sure, Anxiety, blame this on me."

"For the record, Thomas, I wasn't the only one who wandered off. Prince did, too, and yet I'm the one being yelled at. You say you don't show favoritism, but would you fight with Prince like this? I don't think so." I said.

"You're really going to go there?" Thomas said.

"Fight me." I said.

"Real solid argument." Thomas said.

Under The Spell: A Prinxiety FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now