Chapter Nine

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"So, let me get this straight-" Thomas said.

"Unlike us." Morality said, sporting a huge grin.

Logic sighed in annoyance.

"Er- yes. Anyways, as I was saying..." Thomas said. "So, basically, my personality is dating, and I'm still single."

"Yeah. You need to up your game." I said.

"Anxiety, you're the reason I'm still single!" Thomas said.

I smirked. "Hey, it means I do my job well."

Thomas sighed.

"Don't you think you could let Thomas talk to someone without getting nervous?" Prince asked. "Just once?"

"Prince, I can't just not do my job." I said. "It doesn't work that way."

Before anyone else could say something, Thomas intervened. "So how does that work? Anxiety, Logic, you guys are pretty much the complete opposite of romance, and yet you both have boyfriends. How does that work?"

"Well, actually, Anxiety and I just discussed this recently. Sometimes, anxiety and logic aren't completely controversial to romance. Sometimes, they can be a part of it." Logic said.

"So being in a relationship isn't totally out of character for me," I said.

I noticed Prince's small smile at that.

The ding of a text tone could be heard in the room, and we all looked at Thomas.

Thomas checked his phone and read the text.

"What is it?" Morality asked.

"Joan invited me to... a party." Thomas said.

"Great, this is where I come in." I said. I looked at Thomas, and spoke with finality. "You're not going."

"Don't you think it'll be good for Thomas to get out and meet some new people?" Prince said.

"No." I said. "That's exactly why I'm here. To make sure that doesn't happen. Just think of all the ways it could go wrong."

"But think of the ways it could be a great opportunity for Thomas." Prince said. "If you let yourself get caught up in the negatives, you'll miss the positives. You'll never know what good outcomes you're missing out on if you don't take this opportunity."

"So you think I should go?" Thomas asked.

"No." I said.

"Yes!" Prince and Morality said.

"This might be a good opportunity for you to further strengthen your friendship with Joan." Logic said.

I sighed. "As usual, I'm outnumbered."

Thomas replied to Joan, saying he would go.

"Fine, I'll just be there the whole night, making you wish you were at home watching Netflix. Just saying." I said.

"You are good at that." Thomas admitted. "Or maybe Netflix is just tempting."

"Let's go with both," I said.

"You can watch Netflix another night." Prince said.

"And stay up until 5 am rewatching Parks and Recreation!" Morality grinned.

"Or Thomas could get some much-needed sleep." Logic said.

"Nah," Thomas shrugged.

"You need to maintain a healthy sleep scedu-" Logic's rant was cut off, and thank goodness it was. Logic probably would've gone off for hours.

Under The Spell: A Prinxiety FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now