Chapter Three

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"You dumb prince." I whispered. "You dumb, dumb prince."

We had moved Prince to a bed. The king had let us use a spare, again out of sympathy and gratitude.

Thomas and Morality were crying. Logic looked mournful.


I didn't know what to feel.

I resented Prince for being stubborn and insisting on being heroic. I resented Maleficent for cursing Prince. I resented everything and everyone.

I was distraught that Prince was in a coma. It had only been an hour, and I already was starting to miss his annoying singing and optimism.

Not that I would admit that, of course.

Logic already seems to think I'm in love with him.

I leaned against the bed, holding back tears.

"What're you laughing at, Hot Topic?"

"Aww. You think I'm hot."

Prince slept so peacefully, and yet I knew that nothing about this was peaceful.

"There's never a wrong time to dress in drag and DO THE HULA! OHHH!"

I hate Prince. I hate him so much.

So why do I miss him so much?

"You are an emo nightmare."

"...Thank you."

There were times when we weren't bickering. Times when I actually enjoyed his presence. Times when I saw him in a different light, compared to the annoying prince guy who's always getting on my last nerve.

We've had a good number of moments together.

There was the time when Prince spit yogurt at me, or the time we... held hands. Blech.

There was the time he lost the rap battle to Logan. That was fun to watch. Especially since Prince lost.

There was the time I called him a clueless moron. Was I wrong?

If he wasn't a clueless moron, he wouldn't be in a coma right now.

The only way to wake him up is a kiss.

Honestly, does consent not matter in Disney or something?

"It's... my fault." I said.

"Why would you say that?" Morality asked.

"I was there, I was the closest to him when he was cursed. I knew what was coming. I expected it. I should've been able to jump up there in time to save him." I sighed and buried my face in my hands, probably messing up my eyeshadow.

"Anxiety, don't you think we all blame ourselves just a little?" Thomas asked.

I looked up at Thomas. I hadn't thought about that.

"Its human nature to assume the worst." Logic said. "You just have to realize that it's all in your head. Cognitive distortions."

"Like jumping to conclusions." I said, remembering the debate between Logic and me.

"Precisely." Logic nodded.

I bit my lip. "I want to believe Prince will be okay. However, I've always taken pride in being the most realistic one out of the group, and... I don't know. I just... don't know." I shook my head. "You can't love someone you just met. Prince knows that, we all know that."

"It could work, however, if it were to come from someone Prince has known a while." Logic pointed out.

I blushed.

Logic had implied that I had a crush on Prince before, and had even outright stated it before, but never in front of the others. He respected my privacy.

"Anxiety, I'm sorry, but this is a dire circumstance." Logic sighed, and he turned to the others. "Anxiety has a crush on Roman. It's not much to go off of, but it's something."

I was blushing furiously.

I'm Anxiety.

I don't blush.

"Oh, pssh. I knew that already." Morality said.

"I sort of figured." Thomas shrugged.

"What? You guys knew?" I looked at Morality and Thomas.

"Well, you did hold his hand that one time..." Thomas mentioned.

"That was one time! And on accident!" I protested. Then I sighed in resignation. "Alright. Fine. I'll try it. If it will wake up Prince."

I turned towards Prince.

Was I really going to do this?

I turned around and looked at Thomas. "And Thomas, stop vlogging it! I swear, if this goes on any social media site at all, Sanders..."

Thomas put his camera away. "Sorry. Continue."

I looked at Morality. "Morality, don't record this either."

"Aww, man." Morality sighed and put his phone away.

Ugh. I was really going to do this, huh?

I walked over to Prince.

"What about consent? Does consent not matter? He doesn't even like me like that. He said he doesn't love anyone. This isn't going to work." I said.

"Just kiss him!" Morality sighed.

I leaned over and placed my lips on Prince's with a soft, quick motion.

Prince started to stir. His eyes were still closed, but it was obvious he was waking up.

I realized that I hadn't thought about what would happen if it WORKED.

He couldn't know it was me.

He hates me.

So, I ran. And I took Morality and Thomas by the wrists, and I gestured for Logic to follow as well.

Prince woke up to an empty room. But at least he's awake.

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