Chapter Fourteen

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"Anxiety, look. It's actually Flynn Rider." Prince whispered to me excitedly. 

"Wow, really? I thought it was his identical twin." I replied sarcastically.

Thomas, Logic, and Morality were watching from a safe distance away, but Prince, of course, had to be closer. He was watching Flynn from a hiding spot not too far from the action and fangirling over the fact that one of his favorite Disney characters was so close and so real. At least, real in this world of fiction that we were in now. Anyways, the others weren't comfortable with Prince going off on his own, understandably, so I came along with him.

"C'mon, you love Disney. Don't tell me you're not excited to see Flynn." Prince said. 

"Not that excited." I said.

"Anxiety, look! It's Maximus!" Prince said and pointed to the white horse. "He's my favorite Disney horse."

"Seems fitting that you'd like the white horse from the movie. I mean, you are a prince. Princes, white horses... Sort of fits in with the whole general aesthetic." I said. 

"I asked for a white horse for my birthday but I didn't get one." Prince said.

"Prince, you're the embodiment of Thomas's creativity. You don't have a birthday." I said.

Prince just laughed.

The Flynn Rider chase went on, and then finally Flynn found the hidden passageway that led to Rapunzel's tower. He went in. 

"He's gonna find Rapunzel's tower." Prince announced.

"I've seen this movie just as many times as you have. I know what happens next." I said.

"We can't see him. We should go through the vines." Prince said.

"Even then we won't be able to see him once he goes inside the tower." I reminded him.

"Alright, fine. Can we at least try to find Maximus?" Prince asked. "He just went that way."

"I mean... I guess it can't hurt the story too bad if we let a horse see us. I mean... he's a horse. It's not like he'll tell others about us." I said. "Alright, let's go find Maximus. And I gotta say, I am a little interested myself."

"Thank you, Anxiety!" Prince grinned and practically lept out of our hiding place.

I followed. "Just make sure you don't alter the story too much. Logic, Thomas, and Morality would kill me for letting you do this if this is what caused the whole story to change." 

"I'll be careful." Prince promised.

Prince and I walked in the direction Maximus had gone. It didn't take us long before we found him. Maximus was still looking for Flynn, it looked like. He seemed to be sniffing the area like a dog on a hunt.

"Disney, everyone. Where the horse thinks he's a dog." I said.

Maximus heard me and instantly looked at me. 

"Hey, Maximus." Prince stroked Maximus's forehead. "My name's Roman."

I smiled. Watching Prince introduce himself to the horse was amusing to me.

Maximus snorted in response.

"Does that mean he likes me?" Prince asked.

"I don't know. I don't speak horse." I said. 

"If only cartoon horses were like cartoon birds." Prince said. "I can talk to cartoon birds."

"Cause you're a prince." I said. "That statement only makes sense in that context."

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