Chapter Ten

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I almost didn't recognize Logic when I saw him. He was sitting on Thomas's couch staring at a laptop screen, with his elbows resting next to the laptop's keyboard and his hands supporting his face. His hair was messy and his glasses were close to falling off. 

"You look like Frankenstein." I said.

"Your argument is invalid. Frankenstein is the name of the scientist, not the monster." Logic corrected.

"There's the smartass I know." I said. "What's up with you? Did the apocalypse happen or something?"

"Not the apocalypse." Logic shook his head, and it was obvious he was tired. "I stayed up all last night. I was... researching a certain topic."

"What for?" I asked. "I get that you're a teacher, but why would anyone willingly do research? Much less stay up all night because of it."

Logic just sighed.

I sat on the couch and carefully slid his laptop out from under him. He sighed and readjusted himself, allowing me to take his laptop.

I checked Logic's most recent Google searches.

Most popular first date ideas according to statistics

The statistics of a perfect date

Dating statistics

The statistics of someone enjoying a date

First date ideas

I didn't need to read the rest to understand.

"This is about Morality." I said. 

Logic nodded. "I'm supposed to organize our date, but what am I supposed to do? I've never dated someone before, and I don't really indulge myself in that particular topic. I'm clueless when it comes to romantics." He sighed. "Anxiety, I don't know what to do. I just..." I don't think I've ever seen Logic worry so much about something. "I just want Morality to enjoy it, but I'm scared he won't."

"Oh, gosh." I said. "Uh... Logic, I don't know if I'm really the person to help you out here."

"You called?" Prince came into the area.

"Were you... eavesdropping?" I asked.

"Please. I don't eavesdrop." Prince said.

"Really? Because I happen to remember a time when I thought you were asleep but it turns out you were listening to the conversation I was having with Log—"

"Doesn't count." Prince cut me off. Before I could argue, he turned to Logic. "Anyways, Logic, the thing about dates is it doesn't actually matter where you go on your date, what matters is who the date is with. If Morality likes you, he'll like the date."

"It can't be that simple." Logic said.

"It is, though." Prince said.

"You totally eavesdropped." I mumbled.

Prince ignored me.

"What kinds of places were you thinking about for your date?" Prince asked Logic.

"Surveys show that in 2016, the most popular date location was Starbucks." Logic said.

"This isn't going anywhere." Prince sighed.

"Studies show that romantic interest increases by approximately 7 to 8 percent when drinks are mentioned, although I'm pretty sure the article meant alcoholic drinks and not beverages such coffee." Logic said.

"You're completely missing the point. And you're supposed to be the smart one." I said.

"Be yourself, Logic. That's all it takes." Prince said. "Here, I'll prove it to you. Morality!"

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