Chapter Thirteen

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"You want to do what?" Thomas asked, taken aback by Prince's request.

"No way." I said. "Remember last time?"

We were all staring at Prince in shock. All five of us were there, and Prince had just suggested something crazy.

He wants to go back to another Disney movie.

Is he stupid?

He of all people should not be the one wanting to go back.

He could've been in that coma forever!

"We'll go to a different movie this time. Something a little more recent, but not too recent." Prince said. "Not Moana, maybe not even Frozen. Though, don't get me wrong, those are both very good movies. I was thinking more... Tangled."

"Tangled?" I asked. "Why Tangled?"

Prince didn't answer. He just started singing "I Have A Dream" from Tangled. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Maybe we should give it a chance." Morality said. "I mean, the only reason it went bad last time was because Roman interfered with the plot. If he promises not to interfere with the plot this time, it'll be okay."

"Last time Prince did something drastic to interfere with the plot, but it doesn't always have to be something drastic." Logic said. "There's a concept called the butterfly effect. The idea is as follows: Something small could trigger something else, which eventually leads to a major change. We could do something minor and end up changing the whole story."

"What if you go flower picking and end up picking the flower that gives Rapunzel her powers?" I said. "That kind of thing."

"I won't do that. Please. I know the story well enough to recognize the flower that gives her powers." Prince said.

I looked from Logic to Morality to Prince. "We're split fifty-fifty. Morality and Prince for, and Logic and me against." I looked at Thomas. "You're the tie-breaker."

Thomas bit his lip. "Well... I am hesitant to go into another Disney movie after what happened last time. And Logic does make a good point, but at the same time..." Thomas looked at Prince. "You really want to, huh?"

Prince nodded. "C'mon, please, Thomas? I always encourage you to chase your dreams! I love Disney and I would love to be in another movie. Please?"

"Alright, fine." Thomas said.

"No fair! You're totally showing favoritism!" I said.

"I am not showing favoritis—" Thomas started.

"No, no, I get it. I do. You're obviously going to be more partial to the aspects of your personality that help you out as opposed to bringing you down, but c'mon! This is for Prince! You know what happened to him last time, do you honestly want a similar thing to happen to him again? Who knows what kind of trouble he could get himself into, and what if this time we're not so lucky? What if Prince gets himself into trouble, and something permanent happens?" I was almost yelling now. "Don't you care?"

"Anxiety, don't you think you're going a little too far?" Morality asked.

Thomas looked stunned. He couldn't bring himself to speak.

"Anxiety..." Prince muttered.

"If only you had used arguments like this during the debate." Logic muttered.

"Not the time, Logan!" I snapped.

"Right. Sorry." Logic said.

A moment passed where no one talked, and I stared at the floor. 

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